FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Got a carnivorous plant and you don't know what it is? Ask here!

Moderator: Matt

By HarrisAz
Posts:  1393
Joined:  Tue May 18, 2010 3:53 am
Guys,can u help me identify this heli?

what heli is it?

By dantt99
Posts:  5045
Joined:  Sun Oct 17, 2010 4:48 am
I think by the size and color it might be Heliamphora Nutans. I'm by no means a Heli expert, and if I were you I'd wait for another couple people to answer :)
dantt99 liked this
By HarrisAz
Posts:  1393
Joined:  Tue May 18, 2010 3:53 am
to me,its also look very similar to Nutan but somesay Nutan dont tolerate much heat.

By cpman
Posts:  202
Joined:  Wed May 25, 2011 1:39 pm
Sorry if im late that is definatly a nutans pardon my ignorance what soil is in the small heli pots
By jamez
Posts:  702
Joined:  Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:26 am
What I think you're referring to is called Rockwool cubes.
hi: im feedmesemore

thank you!

quick question: do you order from etsy shop and ho[…]

How cold is too cold

Thanks! They will stay outside from now on.

Hello from New England

Welcome to the forum!

Oddly shaped Sarr

Definitely looks like thrip damage, and they are v[…]

Nepenthes cold shock?

Thanks, y’all!

Anyone find anything exceptional/underwhelming or […]

Sure, the more the merrier! Just remember to add t[…]

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