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By bijillon
Posts:  293
Joined:  Mon Mar 28, 2016 6:58 pm
I am starting an experiment on January 20, 2017. I am putting a keiki paste on my nepenthes nodes that are right above a leaf, if nothing happens his thread will get buried. For those of you who don't speak orchid, a keiki is a little plant that comes off of a flower spike, not very common for it to happen naturally. Thus why they sell a paste that enhances the chance of it happening. I am wondering if something will happen.

Happy Growing,

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By Wikiwakawakawee
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Nice experiment! Now I'm really interested in seeing this happen, please update us as you go along with it! :D
By Adelaide
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There was a thread on the CPUK forum about using keiki paste to increase heliamphora divisions. This is interesting, can't wait to see results!

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By DeadlyCarnivore
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Adelaide wrote:There was a thread on the CPUK forum about using keiki paste to increase heliamphora divisions. This is interesting, can't wait to see results!

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Did that work? With the Helis?

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By Adelaide
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It wasn't CPUK, my mistake.

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By bijillon
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UPDATE: it seems like one of the dormant nodes has expanded. Imagekeiki paste.Imageno keiki paste
The node has gotten notably swollen and looks to be growing.

Happy Growing,

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By Adelaide
Posts:  538
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Hard to tell with the quality of the second photo. Is this the same node? You really need a control to compare to - to know if it's working or not.

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By bijillon
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Not really I'll post more pics when I get home, I'll try putting more on the same node, I put rooting hormone on one node but nothing happened

Happy Growing,

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By bijillon
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So a quick two years has passed since I started this experiment! The progress has been great and I am almost ready to separate and get some roots growing. This is perfect timing as in IB Biology right now we are looking at clones and we have to produce a clone from a plant. Of course everyone is doing succulents, but I have something more interesting up my sleeve. The lack of updates doesn’t help show the progress but here is a picture of it now 4/3/19. Again this was done with keiki paste, a hormone used to encourage keikis to develop on orchids and just thought this would be fun. Image
By Darkroom Denizen
Posts:  91
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What caused it to die? This experiment is extremely interesting and is something I've been curious about myself. I'm surprised at how well it seems to have gone. Also, do you remember the brand of keike paste you used?

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