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By Brock
Posts:  17
Joined:  Mon Apr 08, 2024 1:32 am
Hello, N.Maxima waxy leaf is all I know about this plant hoping for a full breakdown. I'm not even sure if its wavy leaf not waxy leaf. I'm going to research these plants the best I can. Came in a pot very wet for now I will keep it wet won't let it dry.
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By Dan321
Posts:  7
Joined:  Mon Apr 08, 2024 2:13 am
That kinda loooks like a N. Maxima waxy leaf, wait till its more mature and ull know for sure good growing !
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By BumpyEvergreen
Posts:  53
Joined:  Sat Jun 23, 2018 10:52 pm
It'll be a wavy leaf, there isn't a waxy leaf. It should be a pretty easy plant as maxima can tolerate pretty much anything, but wavy leaf is more finnicky than normal maxima. I would let it dry just a bit they don't like to be wet all the time but moist if you catch my drift. Try to keep ambient humidity above 60%, and if you have the resources a household temp drop of 5-10 degrees is favorable whether that be from the plant being in the light and cooling off when it turns off or etc. ... -3786.html
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By Brock
Posts:  17
Joined:  Mon Apr 08, 2024 1:32 am
Thanks again Bumpy. The night time drop is no problem. Not dry but let it dry between watering. Am I going ro distilled rain? When I water i make sure not to overflow the top of the pot. I like to run plants under the facet for twenty minutes real low flow. Not sure if thats possible with this guy. What about fertilizer if any. Do I need to drop ants in those pitchers? Water about weekly? I'm thinking twice a week. Would this be a plant I could mount? Also light requirements? Will each pitcher look different like they do now or all look the same once mature? I know with crosses almost anything can happen.
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By optique
Posts:  1996
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i have a N. Maxima 'Wavy Leaf' BE-3543, It grows very fast and vines very quickly. I took some cutting last July and have already had over a foot of growth.
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By Brock
Posts:  17
Joined:  Mon Apr 08, 2024 1:32 am
Great picture. The cuttings do you propagate them? I feel like I'm getting conflicted care info from Google. How many hours of direct sunlight each day? Temperature above 80 degrees. I have it in indirect sunlight now I keep orchids so assumed lighting would not be an issue. I can move it outside give it however many hours or direct sunlight each day. Also fertilizer. I want it to catch bugs haha
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By optique
Posts:  1996
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I keep them in a west window in the winter and on a mostly shaded table outside in the summer. My summer temps can spike over 100f but July is mostly 90's.

By Brock
Posts:  17
Joined:  Mon Apr 08, 2024 1:32 am
Thanks. I have them on a south patio so far everything seems good.

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