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Moderator: Matt

By Wood1988
Posts:  106
Joined:  Tue Jul 14, 2020 10:36 am
Hi all.

I went to inspect my venus flytrap a couple of days go and I have stumbled across a sundew seedling that has sprouted in the pot amongst the moss and other weeds.

Could youiplease help me identify it and tell me if I should bring it inside and into my heated terrarium because it is now approximately 6 degrees celsius outside and i didn't plant any sundew seeds near my venus flytrap?

Here are a few pointers to help:

1) The sundew is still alive outsite and still growing - its winter here in the UK.
2) Tropical sundews dont like the cold.

I have attached a picture below. Cheers.
Mystery sundew.
Mystery sundew.
IMG_20201222_124332.jpg (898.52 KiB) Viewed 2778 times

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