- Tue Jan 11, 2022 7:45 am
Fashionably late to the party. I do not feed any of my plants outside. I do not feed my sundews or pings. I cannot (easily) get Maxsea here in the UK. I use a liquid feed called Orchid Focus Grow, it's NPK is 1.1-0.7-1.9. Its intended use is for orchids as you may guess. My RO water comes out at between 4 to 14 ppm. I use it at full strength (yes) as a spray foliar feed once a month on all my nepenthes and small Heliamphora it comes out at about 150 ppm. The recommended rate for epiphytic Orchids is 5 ml (one tsp) per 2 liters (half a US gallon) of water. The same day I flush all my plants substrate with plenty of RO water.
I would not offer if it works or not as I have never done a proper comparison. I have never lost a plant.
Cheers Adam