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By Zortch
Posts:  1
Joined:  Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:56 pm
Hi there,
I'll start by saying that I am not a CP keeper (yet? :)), but an aquarist. I am planning a blackwater tank and plan to use peat to soften and stain the water. This is commonly done in aquariums by adding a small bag of peat moss to the filter. What I would like to do is replicate a peat swamp by using peat moss as a major part of the substrate of the aquarium.
I bought some peat moss, it floats which I'm sure will not suprise any of you, but it throws a bit of a wrench in my plans!
I did some research online but didn't find much information other than on your forum and thought you CP keepers would likely know the most about this sort of thing. So, is there a good way to make peat moss sink - perhaps by mixing it with something else?
I would like to acheive something similar to the bottom of a real peat bog if possible.
Thanks so much!
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By Matt
Posts:  22524
Joined:  Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:28 pm
Peat moss is a bit hydrophobic initially and will not absorb water readily and will float. After it gets saturated, I think that it will sink on its own though. I know for a fact that in the big plastic trays I have outside growing sphagnum moss, the 50/50 peat moss to silica sand mix I'm using as a substrate definitely doesn't float.

If the peat moss won't sink on its own, maybe try adding some sand to the mix to weigh it down a bit?
By CPgrower
Posts:  321
Joined:  Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:51 pm
Hey, Zortch! I am an aquarium keeper and CP grower! I have two heavily planted tanks. There are several ready-made substrates that are available for planted tanks. Eco-complete is one kind that, I believe, has something along the lines of a soil composition. I have flourite in the bottom of one of my tanks, and that company just came out with three black varieties (one of which is a bark composition). These types of soils may have peat in them. The mix should be on the bag; I don't remember what mine said when I purchased it. If you want to use simple peat (make sure it has no additives!!!) then mix the peat with water first (de-chlorinated, of course) and then add it in scoops to the tank. Maybe with a cup and try to carry it to the bottom and gently "dump" it, careful not to stir the water too much. If you don't have the tank set-up, then just dump it in with the rest of the substrate and mix it with some water. Then add the rest and let it settle for a day or two. Hope that helps!?! Wood can also be used to stain the water, as well as well-rinsed leaves from outside! (I've never done the second, but heard about it). You might want to try that forum too for aquarists and hobbyists!

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