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By bvalente
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Not sure if these are still going but just wanted to catch some attention for the great photos in these threads. Anyway, I wanted to show off a bit what my Jaws caught. There are no filters or anything special applied, just a simple picture taken with my iPhone.

A "daddy long leg" spider. Very big one too.


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By kcbugs
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haha!! My Jaws seems to have a taste for Jumping Spiders. My King Henry, however holds the record for Daddy Long Legs. No matter how many times I go out and see the spindly legs hanging out of the teeth, it never gets old!!
By mnwatson1
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I currently have no less than 5 traps that are busy digesting some daddy long legs spiders. I still haven't figured out how they get in there, unless they're just wanting to be a meal! ;)
By bvalente
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Creepiest thing about it was even after a few hours its legs would still move :lol: They still do now but only in the wind, still kinda creepy. For whatever reason, my VFT are animals, anything they eat that falls in there. Flies, mosquitos, bees, a butterfly, etc. Besides just my feeding, they catch a lot of their own. Not exagerating, one of my plants I bought from a local nursery, within the past 2 weeks has put out 6 completely formed and opened traps. This same VFT also seems to put out normal traps and warped traps similar to cup-style or wacky-traps.
By Drone232
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I feel the need to clarify that is not a daddy long legs. Daddy long legs are cobweb forming spiders with long legs, a mildly poisonous bite, and large spherical abdomen. That is a harvestman. They are related to spiders, but are not spiders for they cannot produce silk, do not produce venom, and their body takes the form of a compact oval.
A harvestman, note the lack of separation between the thorax and abdomen.
A harvestman, note the lack of separation between the thorax and abdomen.
th-1.jpeg (25.35 KiB) Viewed 9946 times
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By Jaws
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Mine catch loads of harvestmans too , must be an unlucky insect species.
By Drone232
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They are called harvestmen because they frequent wheat fields where they would be seen I large hordes during harvest time. They will drink nectar and thats why they get caught in traps. Mine have only had one, but its fun to see.
By bvalente
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Drone232 wrote:They are called harvestmen because they frequent wheat fields where they would be seen I large hordes during harvest time. They will drink nectar and thats why they get caught in traps. Mine have only had one, but its fun to see.

Wow I honestly didn't know the difference, thanks!
By tish
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You are right. Counting the legs. They cannot be a spider. And speculating by the common ones with this looks like a harvestman

Good observation Drone232.
By Drone232
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tish wrote:You are right. Counting the legs. They cannot be a spider. And speculating by the common ones with this looks like a harvestman

Good observation Drone232.
Harvestmen are arachnids and thus, also have eight legs. Their legs, however, are thin and spindly and are easily broken off. If grabbed by the leg, harvestmen will detach it and run off. Spiders don't do this. Harvestmen are also omnivores feeding on both animal prey and small fruits and nectar. Spiders are all carnivores. Both are also quite nutritious for flytraps.
This is a crane fly, it is also often mistaken for a daddy long legs or harvestman.  Simply put, small brown thingswith long legs are often mistaken for each other.
This is a crane fly, it is also often mistaken for a daddy long legs or harvestman. Simply put, small brown thingswith long legs are often mistaken for each other.
th-2.jpeg (5.15 KiB) Viewed 9910 times
A daddy long legs spider, note the clear separation between thorax and abdomen in comparison to the above hatvestman picture.
A daddy long legs spider, note the clear separation between thorax and abdomen in comparison to the above hatvestman picture.
320px-Pholcus.phalangioides.6905.jpeg (5.09 KiB) Viewed 9910 times
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By Greenthumbs Garden
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Nice one, my 2 VFTs haven't eaten much since the start of the summer but in the last week my southwest giant caught 3 insects, one was a tiny ant in a tiny trap. I also fed them a wasp and bee I caught,
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By Jaws
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Bees are good, i wouldnt purposely feed a bee personally.
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By Cleo_13
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Wow! I knew what harvestmen were, but always thought that daddy-long-legs was another name for them. My sister is terrified of them, mostly due to the fact that when their legs come off they continue twitching to distract predators. One of my traps caught one a few days ago. It was still alive and struggling frantically. I felt really bad for it and knew that it wouldn't be digested anyways since the trap had only closed on half of it's body so I freed it. I figured my plant could always grow new traps anyways.

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