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By EvanL2218
Posts:  12
Joined:  Fri Nov 17, 2023 2:42 pm
Am I tripping or is my drosera propagating a cutting while it’s still alive and well?
And if so does this mean I’m growing an undead sundew?
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By ChefDean
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It's possible. We see split leaves, split stalks, false vivipary, and more all the time. If it continues to grow like that, clip that leaf and propagate it.
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By andynorth
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Are you talking about the "green" stalk or the reddish one with sticky stuff (forgot the word, too lazy right now to look up) on it? Either way a couple of mine are doing the same thing. Will have to see how they progress.
Last edited by andynorth on Fri Nov 17, 2023 10:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By EvanL2218
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I can’t really tell. It almost looks like a lacewing but I don’t see any wings. I’m extremely new to this but it’s right in the middle. I haven’t seen a bug caught right in the middle but don’t know if that’s still part of the trap
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By Intheswamp
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Something tells me you’re gonna let it ride a while. ;) Let us know how it progresses.
By Andrew072
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Usually when you have a strike(require sitting in water 24/7), it starts out as a small green bud and unfurls into a set of leaves. Pretty sure that's just a green bug, but let's see.
By EvanL2218
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I caught this guy for comparison. If it’s a bug it would be this one. They’re both the same color and I think toward the bottom they kind of look like legs 😔. Maybe it just flew into it head first and his face was digested.
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IMG_2242.jpeg (1.75 MiB) Viewed 1854 times
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By Intheswamp
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Kind of a wicked looking dude, too! :lol: Yeah, probably a green bug of some kind...possibly that kind. And, what Andrew said...strikes start out as little nodes that unfurl into a micro copy of adult leaves. I've got some in distilled water right now, and they're tiny little things. It's interesting to see the leaf cuttings *appearing* to still have dew drops while in the water. Cool.
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By Intheswamp
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Could be one of those micro-drones that the CIA is using. :mrgreen:

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