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Discuss Nepenthes plant care here

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By StephenB200+
Posts:  297
Joined:  Sun Feb 24, 2019 9:01 pm
This Nepenthes Diane was delivered about a month ago during a cold snap, the heat pack pooped out 2 days prior delivery (which was several days late). All the other plants from the shipment are fine but I think this one has leaf spot disease.

Numerous sites recommend removing the infected leaves.
I treated it with Bio 3 in 1 which claims to treat leaf spot.
Would you folks cut off the infected leaves? I hesitate being that it went through a fair amount of trama?
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By andynorth
Posts:  1658
Joined:  Fri May 12, 2023 9:08 pm
Is that a St. Gaya? If it is mine had an issue with most all the leaves and pitchers discoloring and then dying off on me. I cut it back except for what was not affected and bagged it up. It has been that way for close to 2 months and is actually showing signs of recovering now. It is the only Nep I have left as my others died and I decided against replacing them.
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By StephenB200+
Posts:  297
Joined:  Sun Feb 24, 2019 9:01 pm
andynorth wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 10:16 pm Is that a St. Gaya? If it is mine had an issue with most all the leaves and pitchers discoloring and then dying off on me. I cut it back except for what was not affected and bagged it up. It has been that way for close to 2 months and is actually showing signs of recovering now. It is the only Nep I have left as my others died and I decided against replacing them.
Oh man, that’s a bummer. This is a hybrid called Diana. I think maybe the hybrid thing is very tricky. I am having good luck with a few highland pure bred and California Carnivore hybrids. Two of my other hybrids are troubled though. They seem to be more susceptible to blights.

Received. Thanks!

They arrived! thank you! :D

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