FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Moderator: Matt

By DroseraBug
Posts:  31
Joined:  Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:29 pm
My entry from a little earlier in the spring. All of the pitchers are doing this. A good one for future crosses I hope. Great photos everyone. Oops I figured out it was late. Sorry about that. I'm new here and was in a rush :roll:
This seedling popped up in one of my bogs with a neat character.  Thought I would share.
This seedling popped up in one of my bogs with a neat character. Thought I would share.
Droopy Lipped flava.jpg (40.92 KiB) Viewed 2221 times
Sundew dormancy

Hi all. It appears that my unknown volunteer sunde[…]

Peter D'Amato passed today

I'm sorry to hear this.

Hello from Chicago, Illinois.

I'm just starting out with carnivorous plants &[…]

Has anyone heard about this population of giant tr[…]

Received. Thanks!

They arrived! thank you! :D

Just saw this[…]

Thanks. Yeah I’ve been trying to find a loca[…]

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