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Moderator: Matt

By BradR
Posts:  450
Joined:  Sun Nov 28, 2010 5:00 pm
Flytrap Perfection

Species: Dionaea muscipula 'Orange Julius'
Date: June 13,2011
Camera: Canon SX 30IS
Time of possession: De-flasked from tissue culture 11/3/2010
Click on the (+) in the corner for a closer look.
Flytrap_Perfection.jpg (410.12 KiB) Viewed 8269 times
By Eric
Posts:  1143
Joined:  Thu Nov 13, 2008 1:23 am
Species: Sarracenia Minor
Camera: Canon Powershot A580
Date Taken: June 12, 2011
Plant Owned Since: January 2011
Country: United States
IMG_2194.JPG (24.05 KiB) Viewed 8208 times
By Alan
Posts:  131
Joined:  Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:28 am
Species : Drosera adelae
Camera Model: iPhone 4 main camera
Exposure: Auto
Focal Length: F2.8
ISO: 80
Country: USA
adelae.jpg (217.96 KiB) Viewed 8185 times
I'm probably not going to win but I still like the photo :) good luck everyone!
By BigEasy
Posts:  124
Joined:  Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:42 pm
Nepenthes Ventricosa

New Orleans, LA USA

Canon Powershot SD1000

Picture Taken:
6/14/2011 6:57 PM

ISO: 80
Max Aperature: 2.96875
No flash

Color Accent Function on camera to contrast
the pitchers from the rest of scene.
By the Lake
By the Lake
By the Lake.jpg (565.27 KiB) Viewed 8191 times
By David F
Posts:  1649
Joined:  Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:41 pm
Big Sister-

Grammostola Rosea, and Dionaea muscipula "Dutch Delight"
Beauty and the Beast, which is which? Eyes of the beholder.
Beauty and the Beast, which is which? Eyes of the beholder.
DSC03639.JPG (287.12 KiB) Viewed 8154 times
By jht-union
Posts:  3205
Joined:  Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:43 pm
I just wanted to throw this pic for fun! :)

Flower of drosera spatulata pink flower.
Good luck to everyone! :)
Pic taken with a Canon PowerShot G10, on june 12, 2011.
UuQPp.jpg (77.34 KiB) Viewed 8111 times
By Darkrai283
Posts:  2491
Joined:  Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:28 pm
Nepenthes Ventrata
I live in the England/UK
Its been about 9 weeks since I got this plant from B&Q, got it in February.
Pic taken today.
Camera: Olympus (don't know anything else)
richard.JPG (157.42 KiB) Viewed 8103 times
Edit: sorry, 16 weeks, 2... Of feb I think it was a wesnesday or a Thursday.
Last edited by Darkrai283 on Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Matt
Posts:  22528
Joined:  Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:28 pm
A late submission by John (snapperhead51)! I shut the contest about an hour before he tried to submit this photo, so I decided to allow it since it wasn't really midnight when I closed the submissions.

Plants is Cephalotus follicularis
taken on 19/ 06 /11
Camera Panasonic DMC -FZ 30
owned for a long time
Country Australia
P1110109.JPG (94.92 KiB) Viewed 8055 times

Received. Thanks!

They arrived! thank you! :D

Just saw this[…]

Thanks. Yeah I’ve been trying to find a loca[…]

Thanks guys I’ll cut it. I haven’t got[…]

RO Buddy Reviews

Yes, you can use it for other plants that aren't s[…]

I don't do FB but I believe I may have seen this. […]

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