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By Drummer230
Posts:  190
Joined:  Fri Jul 06, 2018 2:35 am
I found it on 5 more plants this morning. :( Whatever it is it starts as a brown spot in the bottom of the pitcher and then mold develops afterwards. The Rhizomes seem unaffected at the point. I have quarantined the plants affected, removed the affected pitchers, and sprayed every single Rhizome with daconil. Anything else I should do? I’m getting really nervous. I took some more pictures of the start of it. Can anyone ID what’s happening?
This Judith Hindle was the worst affected and expendable, so I dug it up. It looks normal to me.
By Drummer230
Posts:  190
Joined:  Fri Jul 06, 2018 2:35 am
I’ve already posted this on proboards, but I’m going to keep updating this in case anyone else ever has the same issue. After countless hours of research, I think I have Pythium. I have reached out to the local ag extension for identification and will update when I get a confirmation. In the meantime I have quarantined all affected plants, cut off all affected foliage, and will keep them separate from the collection. I am thinking of destroying them, but I’ll wait to see what the ag center says first. I have removed my remaining collection from the watering trays and have cleaned everything with soap and bleach, and I have applied fungicide to all plants which I will continue to do every two weeks as a preventative. I found a post on the cpuk forums from a pretty well known collector stating to repot everything come winter and remove all foliage, than top dress with milled pine bark (acts as an anti fungal apparently). So that’s the plan.
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