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By Panman
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elaineo wrote:@Panman did you end up upgrading to the 50 gallon stock tank? I'm trying to decide between this and the smaller one.
I got the tank but have not planted it. I've just been using it as a water tray for my larger pots. It will make an amazing bog thought, once I can find something to do with the big pots. I looked for kiddie pools last summer but couldn't find any.
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By elaineo
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Panman wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 3:10 pm I got the tank but have not planted it. I've just been using it as a water tray for my larger pots. It will make an amazing bog thought, once I can find something to do with the big pots. I looked for kiddie pools last summer but couldn't find any.
That's what I want to do (use it as a water tray for larger pots). Is that overkill? Kiddie pools are cheaper, but I get the impression that they will disintegrate in the sun.
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By Panman
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Kiddie pools definitely have a lower life span. The trough will last for many years. I drilled two sets of holes in it. I put a couple of 1/4 inch holes up 3 inches from the bottom to keep it from flooding in the rain. I also drilled a 3/4 inch hole in the bottom. I heated the plastic with a torch and screwed a threaded 3/4 inch PVC cap into it. Once it cooled, the threads remained and now I can unscrew the cap to completely drain the tub. In the winter, I just leave the plug out.
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By Panman
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No, they both are durable and last for years. I wanted to use the 50 gallon because it has more surface area than the 40 gallon one. It is 52x31x12. The 40 gallon is 40x13x27. The 40 gallon would absolutely work and last for years as well.
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By Intheswamp
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It's amazing. I *know* I posted a message to this thread inquiring about the water level controls of using these large troughs but apparently it..."POOF!", disappeared. :o Innyhoo, Panman immediately comes back with a good explanation of how he handles the water levels. Cool...kinda like ESP...or Watergate...or big brother watching...or..., well, you get the idea. :lol:

I've been wanting to start a mini-bog, but the biggest I would go at this time would be the 15-gallon size. I even looked at the smaller round 7-gallon polyethylene Tuff-Stuff tub...I'm not sure how durable the poly tub is, though. Maybe better to go at least with the 15-gallon. :ugeek:

Panman, if you plant directly into one of these troughs I guess you still put the weep holes in the sides? Do you put screen or anything over the holes?

As for kiddie pool longevity...I've seen 2 to 3 years out of them with them left laying outside...maybe in the sun, maybe in the shade, or both (sun moves, ya konw!<g>). I think Sarracenia NW uses a lot of the pools, but they line them with heavy-duty black sheeting to protect them from the sun. That brings up another question for do these stock troughs/tanks do in regards to absorbing heat? It seems the plants would shade the interior from solar radiation and a coat of white paint on the outside would help there. But, looking at your photos, Panman, it doesn't appear that heat absorption is an issue. You know me..."OCD-Me"....I gotta overthink *everything*! :mrgreen:
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By Panman
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I believe the 7 gallon is what I use for my aquatic utricularia. It is equally as durable as the others. You have more depth with the 15 gallon size but it shouldn't make too much of a difference. I still put the weeper holes in the sides a few inches up. I put holes on opposite sides so that it drains evenly. There is no need to cover the holes as the soil won't come out. They may get plugged with perlite or a chunk of peat, but they still let the water drain albeit slowly. I actually prefer that so that the entire bog gets saturated. The black sides to get hot. In the summer, the sun is directly overhead here, so I try to orient the long side so that it faces south. That way the direct light is on the smaller east and west ends. You could always slap together a plywood box painted white to go around the tub.
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By Intheswamp
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Thanks for the feedback, Panman. I'm thinking the 7-gal might be too shallow (6"), being as I want to put some sarrs in it. Maybe I should go with the 15-gal (8" deep) can't really add depth to a shallow container but you can use a deeper container in a "shallower way". ;) When you plant directly into the troughs, what grow mix recipe do you usually shoot for? Standard 50:50 peat:perlite?
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By Panman
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I have done both 50/50 peat/perlite, and 100% peat. I didn't notice a difference other than the perlite floating to the top. The last time I replanted, I did 50/50 for the bottom 2/3 and then straight peat on the top. It may have been half and half. I'm not sure. I've not found a difference in growth or the amount of time that the soil lasts. Generally I have to repot every 2 years just because the plants get so big. I'm sure that my one purp would fill up the entire 15 gallon trough if left to its own devices. I may actually try that. It would look spectacular.
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By Intheswamp
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50/50 towards the bottom and just peat at the top sounds good. Though I use it, I detest the way perlite floats everywhere and sticks to the plants if a heavy rain/watering happens. I wish I could find some coarse sand. It's interesting that the plants do well in 100% peat...I always hear that they need some drainage material in the mix. From what you're saying it sounds that 100% peat works well in this application. I'd like to get some plants growing outside that get large. Did the "Deer-Be-Gone" pellets help keep the squirrels away? I've got both deer and squirrels to contend with.<sigh>
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By Panman
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Nothing I have tried other than the cage keeps the squirrels away. Actually, I haven't tried the hanging Deer-Be-Gone repellents. I used them two houses ago where I never had squirrel problems, but I attributed that to the outdoor cat. I'm going to give them another try out here.
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By elaineo
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Panman wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 5:25 pm I believe the 7 gallon is what I use for my aquatic utricularia.
May I see your 7 gallon aquatic utricularia, please? :) My plan is to have aquatic utrics floating in the stock tank between the sarrs. (Do utrics care about TDS? It sounds like they grow in dirty ponds in the wild)

The other bog container I'm considering are blue 55-gallon rain barrels, sliced in half lengthwise. Shove some wheel chocks underneath so they don't roll over. I have several that I got for free at the dump. The shape might be too annoying though.
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By Intheswamp
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Panman wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:02 pm Nothing I have tried other than the cage keeps the squirrels away. Actually, I haven't tried the hanging Deer-Be-Gone repellents. I used them two houses ago where I never had squirrel problems, but I attributed that to the outdoor cat. I'm going to give them another try out here.
I know you had mentioned using the pellets early (maybe *way* earlier) for the deer and had made the comment that you wondered if they worked for squirrels, too. Apparently they don't. Drats!!! :|

An old tomcat adopted us last year. He was a cagey-looking, big-headed gray tabby that was really standoff'ish. We worked with him, though, and he got to be one of those leg rubbers. :roll: Anyhow, as tomcats do, he would roam a day or two and come back in. Recently he's been staying gone and coming back more and more haggard-looking. He'd eat a bunch and simply sit crouched on the back porch doormat for a while rather than pile into the AAA-rated condo that my wife made for him. I noticed that as he was eating he would constantly turn his head and look out into the yard/hay field as if he was worried "something" might sneak up on him. It's been several days now since we've seen him, he is an older tom so he knows a little about the lay-of-the-land around here and about the local varmints. In the past I've seen coyotes and bobcats out my computer window (his favored direction to disappear to) so I don't know if he's been dodging predators or what. Anyhow, I'm not so sure how good he was at taking out squirrels but I know he was a hunter/survivor...whether he dodged that last coyote is a mystery.<sigh> Looks like, regardless of the cat (George) situation I'll probably need to continue trying to put together some type of squirrel/deer defense...I was sure hoping I could avoid that, but...

(Btw, I did not go off down a rabbit trail...that was a *cat trail*...not to be confused with a contrail. :mrgreen: )
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By Intheswamp
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I committed myself today. I went by TSC to check on the "Sungro" peat moss they showed an image of for a peat moss listing they had online...funny how that plastic covering over the bale turned into "Premier". :evil: Anyhow, while I was there I walked inside and found one 15-gallon followed me home. :mrgreen:

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