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Discuss Drosera, Byblis, and Drosophyllum plant care here

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By Shadowtski
Posts:  4725
Joined:  Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:19 am
Drosera venusta has flowered but never produced seed for me.
This year, I cut the emerging flower scape and tossed it in distilled water.
It produced a growth bud and eventually, a plantlet.
I just potted it up today.
I'll probably get rid of it in a giveaway next Spring or Summer.

If you have Drosera that flower but won't set seed, try it and see if it works for your species.

D. venusta from scape cutting
D. venusta from scape cutting
DSC07937.JPG (1.7 MiB) Viewed 947 times
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By twitcher
Posts:  656
Joined:  Sat Aug 25, 2018 5:56 am
My "No ID" Drosera does that regularly. It is not venusta though. I always thought this was because the flower stalk tip lived long enough to mature a seed or two in the flower bud, which then germinated. The plantlets always occur in the flower area of the stalk. I never catch this one with an open flower and have not found seed the few times I tried collection of the matured flowers. Because of that, I cut flower stalks off somewhat early and often leave them in one of the larger grow pots.
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