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By BigMouth
Posts:  15
Joined:  Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:36 am
Hi all,

I just received a small phalaenopsis potted in sphagnum moss about a week ago. I watered it today when the media was pretty much dry, and I noticed that it took a very long time for the water to filter out the bottom holes of the pot. The water first pooled at the top of top for 3-5 seconds, then finally drained to the bottom.

I've never really taken care of an orchid before, but from what I read and judging by the amount of time it took for the water to filter down the pot, I have a feeling that something bad will happen if I do not repot my orchid ... What do you think? Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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By evenwind
Posts:  2198
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Sorry, I disagree. For me LFS is a much better solution. There's nothing wrong with bark mixes but Phals need more moisture than some orchids since they don't have pseudobulbs (enlarged areas of the stems) to maintain their moisture levels. Phals shouldn't be allowed to dry out completely and I find LFS is a better solution. Of course, it all depends on the other factors: type of pot (porous or not), ambient humidity, light, temp, time between waterings, etc. All considered, you should be able to keep the Phal happy in damp-ish in LFS, so I don't see any need to incur the stress of re-potting.
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By evenwind
Posts:  2198
Joined:  Sun Jul 07, 2013 4:16 pm
BigMouth, if you're still unsure, I'll add this - once you get the hang of it, Phals can be beautifully grown in either medium (or none at all). Why not leave it in the LFS for a bit and keep a very close eye on it. If you find out that with your growing conditions and watering habits, its staying too wet, then do the repot to bark.

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