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By Spunro
Posts:  159
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My sarracenia purpurea is currently dormant in the fridge, and the leaves are very wrinkly with some browning. Once dormancy ends, should I cut them off so it can start new? Or keep the best looking ones? (best as in ones that arent brown, since all of them look quite crumpled, I’m not sure if that’s normal this is my first sarracenia dormancy)
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By ChefDean
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They shouldn't look crumpled, are you keeping the media moist?
As to the brown ones, I'd cut them off now if they're completely brown to increase airflow/lessen the chance for mold.
By kp13
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Could you please post a photo of your plant?

I used to keep nice leaves of purpureas and cut off only brown parts in the early spring.
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By Spunro
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ChefDean wrote: Wed Jan 24, 2024 7:19 pm They shouldn't look crumpled, are you keeping the media moist?
As to the brown ones, I'd cut them off now if they're completely brown to increase airflow/lessen the chance for mold.
im watering it a little bit every 2 weeks or so, but then again I am very cautious of overwatering during dormancy so it could be that
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By Spunro
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kp13 wrote: Wed Jan 24, 2024 7:28 pm Could you please post a photo of your plant?

I used to keep nice leaves of purpureas and cut off only brown parts in the early spring.
is there something wrong with my plant? :(
IMG_6138.jpeg (3.21 MiB) Viewed 1820 times
IMG_6137.jpeg (3.53 MiB) Viewed 1820 times
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By Intheswamp
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I don't know about your plant. Due to my slow internet connection the large images won't load.
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By Panman
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That is bad. It looks like they completely dried out or got root rot. Are they in a refrigerator that way? If so, the frost free cycle on the refrigerator is dehydrating them. The would need to be in a plastic bag if you are trying for dormancy.
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By Spunro
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is it still saveable? i was thinking of taking my plants out in a week or 2 for repotting and yes they are just in the fridge like that, should i get a bag over it?
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By Panman
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It may be too late. I would pull one out and repot it. When doing so, examine the rhizome to see that it looks fresh and not dried out. When I've seen people do refrigerator dormancy, the plants are always removed from the soil, the roots wrapped in sphagnum, and then placed in a plastic bag.

Take a look at the rhizome and post a picture of it if you can.
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By Spunro
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ive had a look at the roots and they seem fine, not mushy or anything so i assume its because the plant has dried out? ive given it water and ill keep in mind next time to put a plastic bag over it
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By Spunro
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Panman wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 5:00 pm It may be too late. I would pull one out and repot it. When doing so, examine the rhizome to see that it looks fresh and not dried out. When I've seen people do refrigerator dormancy, the plants are always removed from the soil, the roots wrapped in sphagnum, and then placed in a plastic bag.

Take a look at the rhizome and post a picture of it if you can.
is this the rhizome here? Deep down there seems to be a few small new pitchers ready to spring up
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By Spunro
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oh thank god the plant is okay! ill take this as a lesson to learn for next year, thank you for your help!

once the growing season starts up again and i divide them, should i cut off all the leaves and start afresh or leave them?
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By steve booth
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The crumpled dried leaves are dead and won't photosynthesise, so yes cut them off. Keep the plant in a bag and moist and it should get going in the spring.
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