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Discussions about growing with minimal or no organic growing medium.

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By stefano28091979
Posts:  33
Joined:  Thu Nov 04, 2021 12:27 pm
Good evening everyone, I need to ask you for your opinion.
I have a nepenthes rajah and a lowii that I grow in a grow box, with temperatures, lights and air movement controlled by electronic timers.
Unfortunately today the humidifier I used is dead.
I have read that it would be enough to spray the plants a couple of times a day to keep them moist.
I ask you for advice: is it enough or better to add a humidifier as I did before?
And in case which one do you recommend me to buy?
Thanks so much
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By Greenthumbs Garden
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hey Stefano, that's two beauty neps you have, would love to see a photo if or when you can :D a misting a few times a day should be ok, you could add some dishes in there with water too help. Nepenthes like good airflow remember also and this can be just as important as keeping the humidity high.
I made this below, a simple humidifier for quite cheap, connected to a humidity switch it would keep a tank humid pretty well.
By stefano28091979
Posts:  33
Joined:  Thu Nov 04, 2021 12:27 pm
Hello @Greenthumbs Garden, thank you very much for the reply, I'm going to immediately see the video you sent me ... in the meantime I send you the photos of my little girls, in every sense
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By Greenthumbs Garden
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they look super happy! @stefano28091979, the media looks nice also :D I think a good misting with a bottle a few times a day will get you by, maybe get a little pc fan in there to help circulate the airflow a little. your set up looks nice and clean man, i like it.
By stefano28091979
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Thank you very much @Greenthumbs Garden, I am very pleased because now I am more sure that I have configured everything correctly.
I have already installed a small fan that runs for 30 minutes and then turns off for another 30 minutes, continuing all day.
Do you think it will be okay?
If you want I can send you a video and photos of the complete configuration so you can give me some advice :D
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By specialkayme
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If you have temperature, lights, and air movement controlled electronically, why not control humidity electronically too? ... ast_sto_dp

I attach mine to a programmable humidifier ( ... st800sr-20), and the "dehumidifier" plug to a fan for air circulation. Seems to work well for me.
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By Supercazzola
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I’m just curious, do you find the humidity changes that much in your chamber?
Mine seems to stay quite high without the need for any humidifier.
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By stefano28091979
Posts:  33
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Hi @Supercazzola, let's say that with the humidifier it also manages to remain up to 75 and 95% constantly, without even lowering to 45%.
By stefano28091979
Posts:  33
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I am sending you photos of my configuration so you can tell me what you think and if any precautions are needed
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By specialkayme
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Why is the inkbird humidity sensor not on? If you have it, even if your humidifier died, keep it running. That way you can tell what the humidity is to see if you need to do anything. I also like to keep the "dehumidifier" plug used up by additional fans, that way if the humidity is too high at least I have additional air circulation.

Beyond that, what's up with the shade cloth? Does your light have a dimmer? If so, use it. If not, increase the distance between your plants and the light.
By stefano28091979
Posts:  33
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Thanks a lot to everyone for the comments ... the light is not dimmable and the cloth is due to the fact that without I noticed burns to the plants, it is a Marshydro Ts 600 and I keep it 60 cm from the plants ... it can go or I should correct something? ... soon I would like to combine the sheet with a 50% shade to give more light to the plants
By stefano28091979
Posts:  33
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As for the lack of plants I am waiting to see my sowing in the veitchii and robcantley tray if it will bear fruit ... but after 3 months from it nothing is still seen so I doubt
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