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By ChefDean
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The Ceph "Hummers Giant" x self seeds we got last year have borne fruit! Well, not fruit, but it's a start! Sorry for the potato quality pic, my phone only does so well.
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For those interested:
Sowed five seeds total, can still definitely see three, possible fourth. Fifth may be hiding, may have degraded/been a dud.
Sowed on chopped LFSM.
Three month cold stratification.
~70°F and bright indirect light after strat.
Kept bagged, but the bag was open at the top.
Moved closer to the window a week ago, temps ~75°F, bag open more for some fresh air circulation.
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By evenwind
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Congrats! That's a lot better than I did. What I find interesting (and more than a bit problematical), is that I seem to be growing a nice bunch of Binata in the pot. A pot originally filled with fresh LFS. In a collection where there is no other Binata (except one pot that's never flowered and is kept two shelves away). How a good number of Binata seeds got there is a complete mystery to me.
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By evenwind
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Yup. If you look carefully, you can see all five of the probably defunct Ceph seeds in the pot. Or maybe you can't see them at this magnification, but they're there.

Maybe Johnny BinataSeed happened by?
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By Hedonista
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Maybe Johnny BinataSeed works at the sphagnum packaging place? I hope he sprinkled some magic on the LFSM I just got!
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By ChefDean
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evenwind wrote: Fri Mar 08, 2024 8:47 pm Yup. If you look carefully, you can see all five of the probably defunct Ceph seeds in the pot. Or maybe you can't see them at this magnification, but they're there.
Aww, I see them now.
Hollyhock reported that she had either a regia or something in the indica complex growing in with her Ceph seeds, but I didn't see any black specks in any of the Ceph packs.
I don't recall handling any binata, regia, or indica complex seeds prior to inspecting the Ceph seeds, but anything is possible. It's also possible that they were hiding in the hairs of the Ceph seeds. But multiple species? Weird.
However, I don't have any hitchhiker sprouts in mine that I can see.
Immaculate conception of carnivorous plant seeds?...
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By Panman
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Those leaves look too big to be seedlings coming up. Could you have gotten a bit of root in the pot? I recycled some soil from a pot I had Marson Dragon in and they popped up everywhere.
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By evenwind
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I suppose it's possible. But I'm 95% sure that was fresh LFS and there's at least 4 origin points, two of which are in the crack between the edge of the LFS and the pot - the typical place "lost" seeds spring up. Of course, now I'm doubting my memory... And it does look like a widespread root prop. Now I'm wondering if the pot was as clean as it could have been?
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By ChefDean
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Are we delving into the realm of root residue possibilities? That's opening a door into some witchcraft that I don't think I want to go through.
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By evenwind
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So it's “Fillet of a fenny snake, In the cauldron boil and bake; Eye of newt and toe of frog, Smidge of root and tongue of dog, Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting, Lizard's leg and owlet's wing, For a charm of powerful trouble, Like a hell-broth boil and bubble”?
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