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By aprilsobsessed2020
Posts:  40
Joined:  Wed Jul 29, 2020 6:17 pm
This fall/winter will be my first season of dormancy for me and all my plants!
I’ve been reading through some threads, so I’ve gotten a little info. But I was wondering if anyone could give me a little run through on dormancy for VFT, Sarracenias, and Droseras; or point me in the direction of a good place to learn from. ( I also have neps but I understand they don’t go through dormancy?)
I live in Oklahoma. I have a garage, a freezer, and in indoor greenhouse. Thanks so much!
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By ChefDean
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How cold does it get in your part of Oklahoma? And do you have a garage?
I ask because I live in middle Tennessee and I kinda take the lazy route.
Most of my plants are outside. When it starts to get below 50°F at night, I bring the tropical ones (dews and a Nep) inside for the night, then put them back out the next morning once it warms up. The temperate ones (VFT, Sarracenia, temperate dews, etc.) stay out as long as it doesn't drop below 35°F. I know they can withstand colder, but this is what I do.
Once the shorter photoperiod puts them into dormancy, usually aided by the dropping temperatures, I put the entire rack into my unheated garage. I don't have a window in there, but I open the garage door at least twice a day, so they still get some indirect light.
Once it begins to warm up and stay above 35°F, I put the temperates back outside. I watch the weather and bring them back in if it's going to drop below freezing. The increased photoperiod and rising temps wake them up. Once the temperature stays above 50°F, I put my tropicals out.
I guess it's not too much of a lazy approach, I do have to monitor them daily for a couple of months in the Spring and Fall.
Good luck, and happy growing.
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By aprilsobsessed2020
Posts:  40
Joined:  Wed Jul 29, 2020 6:17 pm
Thank you so much!
Usually in the winter we see temps around 30s-40s. In the coldest times, it can get down to 10-15ish.
I do have a garage, that is not heated. There’s plenty of space I could put my plants if need be. I don’t mind at all having to check on them regularly. In fact, I probably won’t be able to help myself from checking them all the time
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By ChefDean
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There you go.
However, I did forget to say that they still need to stay moist. Not necessarily as wet as during the summer, but don't let them dry out.
Good luck.
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By MikeB
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I'm in North Carolina, about 40 miles west of the Venus flytrap's native range. I grow temperate-climate plants: Venus flytraps, Sarracenia, and Drosera. My plants stay outside almost all year, and I keep an eye on the weather. If the temperature is going to drop below 25F / -4C for more than a couple hours, then I move my plants into my unheated garage. They normally go back outside in the morning. On rare occasions, my plants will spend a few days in the garage before going back out. I also keep an eye on the water and make sure they're damp but not wet for extended periods. This has worked well for me, and my plants get to experience the full effects of winter.
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By MikeB
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Don't let them sit in water for more than a few hours. When it rains from mid-fall through late winter, I drain the trays instead of letting them soak. When it doesn't rain, I top-water the plants and keep an eye on the pots to make sure they don't dry out. They stay damp longer during cold weather, but the north wind can dry them out pretty quickly. After growing plants for so long, I can pick up a pot and tell by the weight if it's damp or dry.

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