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By camsdad66
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Hi all,
Been living in the same area for nearly 20 years, and never had this problem, at least not on this level. All my new growth on Sarr. pitchers is covered in brown spots, (older growth and VFTs do not appear to be affected as of yet). This just happened within last few days, week at most.
I believe it's brown spot disease, but not ruling out a pest issue. Would appreciate any help!ImageImage

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By Panman
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The spots look too irregularly shaped for me. It looks more like some critter urinated on the plants. Do you have cats in the area that might be marking their territory? Also, is that gravel topping new? It might be a mineral burn, although sarrs are more resistant to that then other plants.
By camsdad66
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Thanks, Paxman!
Gonna have to rule out animals wee-weeing on them, as plants in photos are a couple feet off the ground on shelves! I'm just trying to figure out if it's fungal or pest related to be able to treat appropriately before I lose my whole collection!

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By camsdad66
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Oh, and with regards to the gravel top dressing, I washed it thoroughly before use. I've used that several years and never had issues. Always get it from same place (Lowe's) if that means anything.

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By ChefDean
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To me it looks like a liquid made contact due to the irregular spots. Did you or any upwind neighbors happen to do any spraying of your lawn, flowers, etc.? What about anyone pressure washing a house or concrete? Using an oven cleaner on a nearby grill? Wash patio furniture?
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By Panman
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I agree with the Chef. It looks like liquid splatter to me. It could even be as simple as water droplets at just the right time magnifying the sunlight. Not common, but possible.
Last edited by Panman on Fri Apr 05, 2024 6:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By camsdad66
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ChefDean wrote:To me it looks like a liquid made contact due to the irregular spots. Did you or any upwind neighbors happen to do any spraying of your lawn, flowers, etc.? What about anyone pressure washing a house or concrete? Using an oven cleaner on a nearby grill? Wash patio furniture?
I just had an "oh crap" moment (sorry to cuss) after reading your post. My wife told me a couple of days ago that she sprayed some Roundup in the yard! Now, mind you, she and I have done this a hundred times and we both are as careful as humanly possible. But, unfortunately, I think you are correct, Chef! Everything kind of makes sense! Now, the question is, what, if anything can I do to save the plants? Image

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By camsdad66
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I didn't say "crap" Guess I got beeped out!

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By Panman
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Sarrs are pretty chemical resistant. If you haven't had leaves starting to die off, you are probably okay. I would thoroughly rinse down the leaves and the gravel to dilute/remove any remaining residue. If you see that the leaves are starting to die off, I don't know that there is much you can do. I have found that it takes a heavy dose of Round-Up to kill off plants with rhizomes traveling roots like poison ivy, brambles and blackberries. Hopefully the chunky nature of the sarr's rhizome will allow it to endure the overspray.
By camsdad66
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Panman wrote:Sarrs are pretty chemical resistant. If you haven't had leaves starting to die off, you are probably okay. I would thoroughly rinse down the leaves and the gravel to dilute/remove any remaining residue. If you see that the leaves are starting to die off, I don't know that there is much you can do. I have found that it takes a heavy dose of Round-Up to kill off plants with rhizomes traveling roots like poison ivy, brambles and blackberries. Hopefully the chunky nature of the sarr's rhizome will allow it to endure the overspray.
That's encouraging! I'll definitely give them a good hose down. I mean, I've been growing these guys a long time and I know when something is not right. And I definitely saw that today! Appreciate everyone's quick response! I'll keep y'all posted. Hopefully it ends well!

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By Panman
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Fortunately, while the spots look bad, and you may lose the new pitchers, it doesn't look like there will be any long term damage. Just watch for a decline in health.
By camsdad66
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Panman wrote:Fortunately, while the spots look bad, and you may lose the new pitchers, it doesn't look like there will be any long term damage. Just watch for a decline in health.
Mine or the plants'?? Image

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By camsdad66
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Got home and took a few more detailed photos of the damage. I still don't get it. My wife said she didn't even spray Roundup anywhere near the plants. And yet, a pot of VFTs right next to the Sarrs appears to be unaffected! ImageImageImageImage

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By Panman
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This pictures change my opinion. The way they are linked together with rough edges makes me think that it is slugs. Put out a saucer of beer and see if you catch any.
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