FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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FlytrapCare Forum periodic photo contests

Moderator: Matt

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By Panman
Posts:  6861
Joined:  Wed Mar 04, 2020 8:41 pm
We have a winner! @Evenwind, congratulations! PM me for details on claiming your prize.

Thank you to everyone for participating. Be sure to check out this month's contest. Everyone is eligible.
ChelleB1005 liked this

Sowed the Nepenthes cross on 9/1, noticed first tw[…]

Welcome! Just as an aside, while VFTs make difficu[…]

Scary sign up

1. Panman - Just call me Michael 2. thepitchergrow[…]

I hope it arrives soon.

Scary giveaway

His mummy

Looking forward to it, thanks!

Welcome to the forum. What part of Wisconsin do […]

New butterworts owner

it looks like a P.cyclosecta at the moment it is […]

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