FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Places to buy Venus Flytraps and other carnivorous plants.

Moderator: Matt

By Sundews69
Posts:  2402
Joined:  Fri Dec 03, 2021 5:57 pm
I think I've heard good things about them but that was awhile ago so I could be mistaken
By Sundews69
Posts:  2402
Joined:  Fri Dec 03, 2021 5:57 pm
They have some nice VFTs....
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By Camden
Posts:  1740
Joined:  Mon May 23, 2022 9:25 pm
Yeah I saw that. That was a question with Diflora too and (to my knowledge) they didn’t ask for any so VFT’s should be fine. Don’t know how well your chances would go for cobras or any CITES neps though.

I read their Terms of conditions and shipping policies and they seem to be a lot GC. I wouldn’t worry about ordering from them. (That’s just me though)
By VFTnPups
Posts:  221
Joined:  Mon Jul 25, 2016 1:08 pm
I think we’re getting import permits and phytosanitary certificates mixed up here. Import permits are not needed for shipments of 12 or less plants. When they are needed, it is on the buyer to provide them. Phyto certs are provided by the seller. Diflora includes phyto certs with their 50 euro shipping fee. They also ship completely bare root with no potting medium. Diflora shipments pass through customs without any problems even when they get sent to the USDA for inspection. Phyto certs have to be included with all plants coming into the US internationally and the plants have to be bare root. Araflora charges a lot for their certs. I think you might have gotten lucky with your GC shipment if they shipped without phyto certs.
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By Camden
Posts:  1740
Joined:  Mon May 23, 2022 9:25 pm
Ohhh I getcha now. Yeah, I think you’re right about GC; they don’t even give the option to ship to the states any more (that could just be for winter idk) :/
By Sundews69
Posts:  2402
Joined:  Fri Dec 03, 2021 5:57 pm
Oh, they don't ship to US anymore?! That's so sad
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