FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Share photos of your Venus Fly Traps here.

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By Johns Flytraps
Posts:  39
Joined:  Tue Apr 21, 2020 6:27 pm
Hello guys! I joined this forum today and this is how my flytrap currently looks. I’ll keep you posted.
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By Johns Flytraps
Posts:  39
Joined:  Tue Apr 21, 2020 6:27 pm
I have had it consistently in a pool of water with wet sphagnum moss for 3 days. I have it indoors facing a north window.
By Benny
Posts:  530
Joined:  Thu Jan 16, 2020 9:46 pm
It's Joelscarnivorousplants. He sells decent flytraps, you just need to follow the correct care information. Mine looked similar to that when I got it.
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By Matt
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Welcome to FlytrapCare! Your flytrap won't get enough light in the north facing window. They do best when grown outdoors in full sun. I'd suggest reading the articles on if you'd like to be able to provide the best care possible for your new Venus flytrap:
By Johns Flytraps
Posts:  39
Joined:  Tue Apr 21, 2020 6:27 pm
Yes, but the instructions from Joels Carnivorous plants state that I should keep it indoors so that it gets used to sunlight, for about 2 weeks. I really want to put it in full sun like you said, but am not sure if it would hurt my plant.
By Benny
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Just put it outside to prevent further shock. If you put it outside now, then you won't be set back 2 weeks. Your plant will not be healthy after 2 weeks indoors in a North facing window. Put it outside, but be sure to acclimate it. Only morning sun first. Then slowly give it more and more sun until it gets just about as much sun as you can give it. The sun isn't too intense right now, so it will be harder to burn.
By Johns Flytraps
Posts:  39
Joined:  Tue Apr 21, 2020 6:27 pm
So when you say, “only morning sun first”, does this mean that just put it in the shade once it’s got its period for morning sun?
By Johns Flytraps
Posts:  39
Joined:  Tue Apr 21, 2020 6:27 pm
So I put it right here, the light is much brighter than it appears. I think this should be good, it will get sunlight here all day.
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By Benny
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"morning sun" meaning weaker sunlight. Full hot sun may sunburn your plant if put in it too suddenly. Just give it a couple hours of sun and increase it by 15-30 minutes a day. Think of it like adding creamer to your coffee. Add a little, taste it. If it needs more, give it a little more. Too much and you have to start over.

As long as your plant does not burn, then you are good to give it some more. You are just tanning the plant.
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By Benny
Posts:  530
Joined:  Thu Jan 16, 2020 9:46 pm
I believe the whole plant starts turning brown and withering. It will not look like normal traps dying. Any strange looking withering and pull it out of the sun (make sure it is not just the leaves dying, as this is normal).

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