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Discuss Nepenthes plant care here

Moderator: Matt

By simon79
Posts:  65
Joined:  Fri May 28, 2010 10:05 pm
Hi all, just a quick post to show of my Nepenthes I bought yesterday. The label says the species is Alata, have heard these are rare? The garden cantre i bought it from has a good selection, this one being neither the biggest or smallest i thought i'd take it. Can anyone confirm the species from this picture? Also, the media looks as though it is breaking up, is it time for a repot? I have it hanging in a south facing window that is shaded, is this ok as I have heard that they don't like direct sunlight? Think thats all I need to ask for now, the temperatures during day and night are fine for my plant at the moment but was wondering what to do come the winter? All input is welcome :)

Nep.JPG (570.12 KiB) Viewed 3143 times
You can see my Sarr. sat next to the pond just to the left of the Nep :)
By watnazn
Posts:  426
Joined:  Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:52 am
Yeah, it is n. ventrata, or deroose alata. They are often labeled as alata in garden centers but they most often are not. And they are not very rare, actually very common, but they still look nice and grow fast. The soil should be fine, and the lighting should be fine.
By Oblivion
Posts:  1251
Joined:  Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:32 pm
i have 3 baby neps with the exact same pitcher shape and colour.

i thought mine was either ventrata or alata, based on what others have said.
google images "nepenthes alata" and you get a lot of pitchers with that orange top half.
im no expert though.. ;)

yours looks VERY healthy though, and has some lovely pitchers. (i love the jug shaped pitchers on a nep)
By snapperhead51
Posts:  2183
Joined:  Mon May 03, 2010 11:46 am
Hi simon
Think you have a ventrata there of some sort classic or x ventrata not always east to tell these days ,,as N. alata have slender leaf forms or narrower leafs and the pitcher are usually red or reddish ,slider and not overly large unless crossed or hybridised , , needs to be kept out of winds ,and in at lease 60% humidity lower to the ground the better a green house is best easier to control the elements it needs ,,up to 60% sun light any more it will burn ,, if you think it needs repoting , use strait sphagnum moss , not dehydrated either !! live is best , its easy and works well water only rain water too, dont re-pot in summer early spring in best less stress on the plant just as its starts to regrow for summer it will benefit form the repot better at that time hope this helps
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