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By Intheswamp
Posts:  3497
Joined:  Wed May 04, 2022 2:28 pm
This little beauty was a freebie last year from @elaineo that came with a couple of other plants. elaineo and I was discussing the plants she had sent me when she offhandedly mentioned "the tokaiensis" that she had included as a surprise. When she mentioned that my Scooby-Doo persona went on extreme high alert...approaching "Defcon 1". I immediately realized that I had *not* seen a tokaiensis in the box!!! :o So, with the intelligence of Scobby-Doo and the speed of "The Flash" and the inspired scream of Tiny Tim I dashed to the garbage can to which I had interred the shipping box. Peering with laser-like eyes into the supposedly empty box I espied a small parcel attached safely to the side of the box with tape. Oh so carefully, with the precision of The Good Doctor, Surgeon Shaun Murphy, I ripped the box open to find a splash of plant in a small plastic bag. I quickly prepared a pot for this little elfin plant and reported back to elaineo that I had found the stowaway!!!! :lol: I'm sure glad she made that remark about it or it would have traveled on to a very bad ending. As it was, I'm so happy to have it here, a very pretty little plant that is a real jewel!!! I don't know what it is about it, but it blooms its little head off. It has proceeded to grow and cover up much more of it's 2.5" pot...a pot that seemed giant when I first planted it. So, be sure to check your boxes good!!! Thanks elaineo!!! :D
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By evenwind
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Wow, I misread the title as "ALMOST A 'GONER'...!!!! CHECK YOUR BOXERS GOOD!!!!". Would've been a whole different conversation...
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By Intheswamp
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Joined:  Wed May 04, 2022 2:28 pm
I've got a little upper respiratory trouble going on right now and your post set me to laughing, then coughing/laughing, seriously literally choked me up!!! :lol: :lol: But, yes, gotta check your boxers, too, I we get older we all know what to never trust!!!! :mrgreen: And, if there's anyone out their that is young and doesn't know what that is...well, you'll learn! :lol:
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By Intheswamp
Posts:  3497
Joined:  Wed May 04, 2022 2:28 pm
I found this older photo of the tokaiensis that @elaineo sent me...a "then" and "now" comparison.
Big difference, eh? :D But, I was wasn't in a small plastic bag but rather a condiment container! :mrgreen:
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