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By GreenOhio
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Congrats on the greenhouse and on the move back to the midwest! Caring for aging family has kept me local, though I've wanted to move out of state for sometime. Don't let the weather scare you, plenty of great looking CP's in this part of the country.
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By Matt
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GreenOhio wrote:Congrats on the greenhouse and on the move back to the midwest! Caring for aging family has kept me local, though I've wanted to move out of state for sometime. Don't let the weather scare you, plenty of great looking CP's in this part of the country.
Thanks! Yeah, I'm not too concerned with the weather. I'm not too much looking forward to the humid summers and quite cold winters (though they seem to be far less frequent now), but I am looking forward to much better growing conditions overall for our plants!!
By schmeg
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@Matt, sending you big heart emojis for your decision to be with your parents, back on the Missouri farmstead. I hope your dad is stable now and getting good treatment. That's tough. Wishing your family the best.

We watched the 2017 solar eclipse on the banks of the Mississippi, closer to St. Genevieve, and we plan to return for the 2024 eclipse.
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By Matt
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@schmeg, thanks so much! Dad finally got some good news today after some bad news in recent weeks about the colon and kidney cancer having metastasized to muscles in his abdomen. The doc says it is only early in stage 2 so he won't have to undergo radiation or chemotherapy right now. He also seems to be recovering reasonably well from his heart surgery and started therapy to help with that. So good news there too.

Leah and I listed our house for sale a week ago today and it sold very quickly with multiple offers. The person who put in the best offer in an MD in town and also is a master gardener and into herbal medicine so she specifically asked to retain the greenhouses. That's great news too! I was going to have to hate to tear them down and trash them. It wouldn't have been worth trying to haul them to Missouri other than the brand new one I put up last summer. In any case, things are coming together!

If you're ever down in the St. Genevieve area again before 2024, feel free to see if it works to stop by for a visit if you're interested. We're not far at all from St. Gen, so if you don't make it before 2024, definitely see if it works out to stop by then if you want to!
By schmeg
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If your dad is anything like mine, having a major project (like your Big Move) gives him life strength. Kinda like The Force™, but with power tools.

Thanks for sharing the good news about your dad. These diagnoses and treatments are just a roller coaster for everyone around him, too. There will be more ups and downs. Self-care for all.

We will indeed probably visit your area before 2024. We've enjoyed time along the river during the pandemic. Had an epic fossil/geode/earthworks/caves trip last August from Cahokia to southern Minnesota, and my 9-year-old wants to do another soon.

Plus, we're all looking forward to your scratch-n-dent plant sale after your move!
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By Greenthumbs Garden
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Matt wrote:Dad finally got some good news today after some bad news in recent weeks about the colon and kidney cancer having metastasized to muscles in his abdomen.
Oh sorry to hear Matt, that must be a very stressful ordeal. Have you looked into any natural roots to go down? I've done quite a bit of video and graphic work for a clinic here in Malaga that does the "Jhoanna Budwig" treatment and they have a lot of success. The testimonial vids I've edited are quite outstanding. I can Pm you some links, it might be worth a read and look into, especially if it's early.
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By Matt
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fluffy123 wrote:Are there going to be plants outside the greenhouse like the Sarracenia’s?
I'll probably grow many plants outdoors in the summer but the winters, particularly the months of January and February, usually get far too cold to leave plants outside.

UPDATE: Greenhouse has been paid for in full and they've significantly reduced the timeline for delivery. They're estimating it will be delivered on June 22! Now the herculean task begins for Leah and me of moving our lives and business from Oregon to Missouri.
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By Greenthumbs Garden
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Oh cool guys!! So excited for you, I can't wait to see it. Do they build it also or does it turn up in a million and one bits?

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By Matt
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Thanks everyone!
Dr GreenThumb wrote:Oh cool guys!! So excited for you, I can't wait to see it. Do they build it also or does it turn up in a million and one bits?
They offer a construction service with the greenhouse but it was just as expensive as the hardware! So they deliver it and we're on the hook to assemble, which will also be quite the task, I assume!

My dad has some friends who do construction work and one of them is going to pour the foundation. Others have offered some tools that will help too. And @ChefDean is planning to come help a bit, so that should be fun!!
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By Greenthumbs Garden
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@Matt, Man I wish I could be not too far to lend a hand. Would be a lot of fun.
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