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Discuss Sarracenia, Heliamphora, Darlingtonia, Cephalotus plant care here

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By bananaman
Posts:  2059
Joined:  Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:54 am
Hello everyone!
I've been busy lately, so I haven't been able to post much.

Anyway, it's been raining a ton here recently, as in 8 inches in the past two weeks.

Understandably, my large undrained link of with a small Sarracenia jonesii in it got quite waterlogged.
I thought nothing of it until the plant's pitchers began to wither.
I unpotted it and its rhizome isn't rotted out.
The roots still look healthy, so I'm potting it up as I'm posting this.
I'm going to put it under my growlight.

The rhizome is 1/2 an inch thick and 1/2 an inch long.

Is there anything else I can do to maximize its chances of survival?

Just a note, this I was my first Sarracenia ever.
I planted seeds 4 years ago, and it sprouted 6 months later.
I really don't want to lose it!

It had just produced its first two adult pitchers...

Anyway, it is now potted in 1:1:1 LFS:Perlite:Peat with the rhizome sitting on the surface, sitting in a shallow tray of water under grow lights inside.
By Tony C
Posts:  352
Joined:  Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:23 am
I would repot it into pure lfs, live if you have it. The acidity of the moss and the compounds it produces really help to prevent infections and support very vigorous growth.
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