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By jwbates26
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Well I cleaned up all the dead dormant growth so my traps will look good when they start growing again. I'm thinking it'll be a good year.
B52.jpg (62.96 KiB) Viewed 4527 times
B52 + Seed Grown
B52 + Seed Grown
B52_SG.jpg (76.2 KiB) Viewed 4527 times
My Maroon Monster Divided a few times last growing season. Didn't like the heat to much so it didn't really grow well. I'm going to re-pot it in the next week or two.
Maroon Monster + Red Seed Grown
Maroon Monster + Red Seed Grown
MM_RSG.jpg (72.68 KiB) Viewed 4527 times
Red Seed Grown
Red Seed Grown
RSG.jpg (105.66 KiB) Viewed 4527 times
Red Seed Grown
Red Seed Grown
RSG1.jpg (94.49 KiB) Viewed 4527 times
Red Seed Grown
Red Seed Grown
RSG2.jpg (68.33 KiB) Viewed 4527 times
Red Seed Grown
Red Seed Grown
RSG3.jpg (91.85 KiB) Viewed 4527 times
I'm ready to see the Cupped Trap explode with growth this year.
B52 + Cupped Trap
B52 + Cupped Trap
B52_CT.jpg (118.96 KiB) Viewed 4527 times
Sawtooth(2) + Crimson Sawtooth
Sawtooth(2) + Crimson Sawtooth
STCST.jpg (123.23 KiB) Viewed 4527 times
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By Isabelle
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Great looking flytraps! Thanks for sharing!
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By jwbates26
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Just playing with the camera
B52.jpg (194.54 KiB) Viewed 4502 times
D. muscipula 'B52'. My B52 seem to always be my first flytraps to flower. Does anyone else have this in common with me? I have three and two of them had a three inch flower stalk on them before any of my others even started to flower and the third is just a small division. I've cut one off and I'm trying to get it to strike. Still letting the other one grow a bit larger before cutting it off. Also cut of the stalk to my D. muscipula "Czech Giant" and placed the end in chopped sphagnum. It got real limp on the second day and I water it and the stalk straightened right back up. I thought it was funny. Anyways, I've had really good luck with flower stalk cuttings so hopefully I'll have a couple new additions to my collection and possibly a trade.
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By Matt
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Nice B52 trap!
jwbates26 wrote:My B52 seem to always be my first flytraps to flower. Does anyone else have this in common with me?
B52 is fairly early to flower. There are quite a few varieties that I grow that come out just a bit sooner though.
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By jwbates26
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Last year, Leah posted an offer for 5 red seed grown for the next person that bought a Mystery Box, so I jumped on the deal. All but one of them flowered this spring and are growing very well with traps twice the size they were last year. Here is a quick picture of two of the traps I took with my phone.
Long Cilia
RedSg.jpg (75.41 KiB) Viewed 4438 times
Short Cilia
RedSg1.jpg (47.49 KiB) Viewed 4438 times
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By jwbates26
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I re-potted my dormant B52 because the growth point had made its way to the edge of it's pot and didn't have anywhere to grow. When I re-potted it I was surprised how big the rhizome is and the roots were all the way down to the bottom of the 16oz cup. I didn't take a picture of the roots but I did take one of the rhizome. The picture really doesn't do it justice. It was about as thick as my thumb as well.
Rhizome.jpg (376.31 KiB) Viewed 4384 times
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By jwbates26
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Since I was taking pictures I took one my flytraps in the greenhouse. They have been dormant for a couple months now but seem to be picking up in growth. I'm not sure if they are waking up or if they just increased in growth due to the warmer temps in the greenhouse. It still gets down into the 50s at night and mostly upper 60s during the day. On warm days when it gets 75 inside the exhaust fans kick on and the shutters open to keep in cool.
Traps.jpg (545.63 KiB) Viewed 4349 times
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By Matt
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Yeah, it's about the time of year that you'll start seeing some accelerated growth, though it will remain quite slow for a few more weeks until days get a bit longer. Could be slow for even longer if it stays cold (below 50) at night.
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By cjpflaumer
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Matt wrote:Yeah, it's about the time of year that you'll start seeing some accelerated growth, though it will remain quite slow for a few more weeks until days get a bit longer. Could be slow for even longer if it stays cold (below 50) at night.
With how hot it has been in Southern California I wouldn't be surprised if I start getting upright growth. I actually took them inside so they wouldn't be subjected to the 87 degree forecast haha.
By jwbates26
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Well, once again B52 starts the group with its flower stock. Its always the first of my flytraps to flower.
B52.jpg (476.07 KiB) Viewed 4292 times
My Maroon Monster didn't like the heat very much last summer but is loving the greenhouse. I should have re-potted it and divided it before it started growing again and I still might. I haven't decided yet.
Maroon_Monster.jpg (481.11 KiB) Viewed 4292 times
By jwbates26
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Well, the flytraps in the greenhouse have all started to grow. I've decided to let them flower this year both for me and to let the botany students grow some more plants. I only have one seedling left form the crosses I did. I lost most of my seedlings when I went on vacation and came back to my seedlings being drowned by the person that was suppose to keep them alive. It was an "accident" I still give him grief or bring it up when it benefits me 8-)

B52 with two flower stalks. By the way the traps are a little over 1.5 inches. I'm hopping it continues growing those larger traps even though I'm letting it flower. So far trap production hasn't slowed and by the looks of them, they're going to be of decent size.
B52.jpg (252.84 KiB) Viewed 4251 times
Czech Giant with Two flower Stalks. This plant hasn't been to exciting. Hasn't grown much. Nice looking flytrap but hasn't done much for me. It does seem to like the greenhouse though.
"Czech Giant"
"Czech Giant"
CG.jpg (191.75 KiB) Viewed 4251 times
I've been talking about re-potting this plant since the beginning of last it is still needing re-potted. One of my favorites.
"Maroon Monster"
"Maroon Monster"
MM.jpg (189.78 KiB) Viewed 4251 times
I love this seed grown. Its gets great color in the fall and grows in a nice rosette. I need to re-pot it. There is another SG under the foliage. This is the first year its had such upright growth.
FTS Seed Grown
FTS Seed Grown
SG.jpg (221.67 KiB) Viewed 4251 times
This flytrap gets its large traps in the fall and they become solid red inside with enough sun light. I finally re-potted it this year from a cup that was shadowing it a bit and causing the growth to be over crowded.
Lowes Typical
Lowes Typical
Lowes.jpg (179.56 KiB) Viewed 4251 times
I have a few red seed grown that I'll take pictures of in a few weeks. They are just now waking up and growing their first traps.

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