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Discussions about anything related to Venus Flytraps, cultivars and named clones

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By tc3driver
Posts:  519
Joined:  Tue May 25, 2010 2:39 am
About a year ago there were some people asking about the Dune Craft kit. ( ... 0creations).

Instead of reviving that dead topic, I decided to make a new one. This is the kit that I purchased, For me it is going very well. Yesterday in my intro I posted that I had a 40% germination ratio. As of today I am happy to report I have a 50% germination ratio.

Once I bring my good camera into my office, I'll provide pictures.

But from what I can now tell:
1 Sundew (starting to see little bumps develop on the seedling)
1 VFT (name: Pip, First seed to germinate in my little kit)
3 Unknown, still too young to tell.

It has been 5 weeks since I started this kit, the other seed pack has stratification needs, and will be planted next week. We'll see what happens then.

I am not going to say this is a good kit, I am just saying that I have never even tried to grow any CPs in the past, and I seem to be having good luck with them now. Also note I followed the instructions to a 'T'.

Thanks for your time,
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By AnthonyB
Posts:  34
Joined:  Sun Apr 25, 2010 1:04 am
I have had similar results; So far it has been about a month and a half and i have from what i can visually see

3 Sundews (One has dew without searching for it)
and i can see 2 pitcher plants starting to germinate and starting to get rooted into the ground.

Good luck with the rest of yours growing!
By tc3driver
Posts:  519
Joined:  Tue May 25, 2010 2:39 am
AnthonyB wrote:I have had similar results; So far it has been about a month and a half and i have from what i can visually see

3 Sundews (One has dew without searching for it)
and i can see 2 pitcher plants starting to germinate and starting to get rooted into the ground.

Good luck with the rest of yours growing!
So you just planted your seeds that needed stratifying? And you are all ready seeing germination!!! AWESOME!!!
Matt wrote:Congrats on the germination :)
Thanks Matt.
By AnthonyB
Posts:  34
Joined:  Sun Apr 25, 2010 1:04 am
Ya i planted the stratisfied seeds about a week and a half ago and they just started to dig into the ground.
By EverDave
Posts:  117
Joined:  Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:34 am
I bought my kit maybe 3 weeks ago and this is what I have at this time.

Any idea what it is? I have the other seeds in the refrigerator. 3 weeks to go before I can
plant them.
By Andrew
Posts:  316
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EverDave wrote:I bought my kit maybe 3 weeks ago and this is what I have at this time.

Any idea what it is? I have the other seeds in the refrigerator. 3 weeks to go before I can
plant them.
Im positive that that is a VFT seed.
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I'm new to this forum and haven't explore all of this site yet, but in need of advice about Dune Craft kit (emergency, I think).

I bought the kit late June 2010. I followed the instruction as closely as I could. So far, I started with 9 vft sprouting (I think that the are all vft and nothing else), and did the stratification for required package. Now I only have 4 vft left and 2 other from the stratified package (not sure what they are). I tried shining indoor light to them and they all wilted (collapsed). Now 4 of the vft left are looking a little brown and I'm not sure what to do so that they don't die too.

Please advice. Thanks
By tc3driver
Posts:  519
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hello iBuVFT,

I am assuming that you put them in the sun from a window? if so you probably cooked them... they may not recover.

Seedlings, if you are going to introduce them to the sun, should only see the real sun for a couple hours in the early morning, mid-day and afternoon sun would probably cook them in no time flat. especially if you have the dome on the top, temps inside that micro greenhouse probably hit >104 in minutes.

Think of how hot it gets inside a car when left out in the sun, even for just an hour.

Best of luck, but they may be too far gone I am sad to say.

If you are new to VFTs I, as well as many others on this site, highly recommend starting is a sun hardened adult.

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Thank you tc3driver.
Yes, it is my first time. I bought it so that my 5 year old can see the germination process.

Actually, I got it on late March 2010. Would tis make any differnce? They kinda survived till just recently.

The terrarium is close to the sliding door, facing south, in the kitchen and receive indirect sunlight because it is on the kitchen counter close to the wall. They still have some green color on the leaves.

I tried taking the dome off, but they wilted. But when I put the dome back on they stood back up.

Sigh.. Just have to ask before giving up on the living thing, if it is still alive. Thanks a whole lot!
By tc3driver
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If you still see green, there is hope!

Read some of the tips on this post and you may be able to save the ones that are still alive! Just keep them out of direct sunlight until they are a bit more mature :)

There is also TONS of great information here.
By EverDave
Posts:  117
Joined:  Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:34 am
Updated pics of my DuneCraft seeds. Just planted the 2nd pack that needed stratification today.




So far I think they are all VFT seeds.
By tc3driver
Posts:  519
Joined:  Tue May 25, 2010 2:39 am
Congrats on the germination man!

Looks like you have 5 or 6 going there? awesome!
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When do you ever re-water?
By tc3driver
Posts:  519
Joined:  Tue May 25, 2010 2:39 am
iBuVFT wrote:Hi,
When do you ever re-water?
With the dunecraft kits, not very often... as they have no drainage.
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