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By hollyhock
Posts:  5663
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When I first started growing drosera I searched high and low for this plant. D.madagascarensis. I noticed that there are seeds available in our bank. So if you're not growing this one. Maybe you should consider it. :D
It's unusual and very whimsical and beautiful
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By evenwind
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'Course, not everybody's is so well behaved.
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By Gary
Posts:  525
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After checking out some of the pics of this beautiful and unusual sundew I decided to order some seeds from the Bank. Thanks for the heads-up!
I'm curious - which grow media are you guys using? I was planning on germinating and growing them in 50/50 peat/Perlite. One site I found suggested including some miracle-gro in the mix (nope).
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By Camden
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Haha, good ol’ miracle grow. Pretty useful for non CP’s actually.

Got mine back in December, took about a month to germinate. I used 50/50 lfsm perlite with a layer of chopped lfsm on top. Idk how long they’ve been in the bank or how good my germ was statistically speaking but I’d say I got about maybe 10(?)
No regrets so far 😊
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By Shadowtski
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My madagascariensis is a tangled mess.
It's probably over a foot tall if you untangled it.
It split into 3 sections so I nicknamed it Cerebus.
It is also throwing up new plants growing from the roots.
It seems to grow best with benign neglect.
Ignore those capensis in the picture, they're everywhere.
D madagascariensis Cerebus.jpg
D madagascariensis Cerebus.jpg (2.85 MiB) Viewed 3013 times
By Gary
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Fascinating. I wonder if this sundew could be trained to spiral up a support.
By za419
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I love madagascariensis! I also wanted it badly as soon as I discovered they exist, I was very happy when I found some :D

Mine have not been fans of the idea that there is something on this planet not covered by their species... And they've definitely been a mess :?
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Pretty sure you could convince them to climb a support if you do it right. None of mine climbed up that little bamboo, but I put it in because they were already fanning out and trying to collapse over the edge of the pot, so they already were going the opposite way - Perhaps if you gave them a stake when they're smaller they might respond better to it.

For media, these are just in pure LFSM with a muffin top of live moss (it used to be a small decorative layer for color, but I've neglected trimming it...)
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By Bug_cemetery
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These all look so good! I have one that I think is doing ok, but definitely not growing like yours seem to be. Are they slow starters and take off when they hit a maturity point or should I be looking into ways to improve my conditions for it?
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By Gary
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hollyhock wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 9:59 pm When I first started growing drosera I searched high and low for this plant. D.madagascarensis. I noticed that there are seeds available in our bank. So if you're not growing this one. Maybe you should consider it. :D
It's unusual and very whimsical and beautiful
Seeds are on the way! Thanks again, Hollyhock.
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By hollyhock
Posts:  5663
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Gary wrote: Sat Feb 25, 2023 4:38 am
hollyhock wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 9:59 pm When I first started growing drosera I searched high and low for this plant. D.madagascarensis. I noticed that there are seeds available in our bank. So if you're not growing this one. Maybe you should consider it. :D
It's unusual and very whimsical and beautiful
Seeds are on the way! Thanks again, Hollyhock.
I'm sure you will enjoy it. It's unlike most sundews
By Gary
Posts:  525
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Hmm. No activity from the seeds yet, been a full six weeks. I shouldn't be surprised, it took 2 months for me to get sprouts from freshly-harvested Cape seeds. Patience is a virtue...
By Gary
Posts:  525
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Well, over two months now and no activity. I had a couple dozen seeds left over so I made a germination pot using rinsed and finely chopped LFSM and sprinkled the seeds on the top. Maybe the seeds didn't like the peat/Perlite mixture? Fingers crossed!

Received. Thanks!

They arrived! thank you! :D

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