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By Rammplins
Posts:  417
Joined:  Fri Apr 21, 2017 6:28 pm
I received a N. Ventricosa as a gift in an order I recieved. I've been looking them up and found that they are the one of the hardier neps out there that can withstand a greater range of temps. I'm just wondering what would be better for them, inside on the windowsill or outside on the windowsill? and should it be under glass for humidity?
Right now it is outside on a south facing windowsill, gets about 1-2 hours of early morning light, then very diffused for about 2, then indirect light for the rest of the day. It has been overcast and colder at night lately, but summer gets hot here, if kept outside I plan on bringing him nightly. My problem with inside is that I have no grow lights, the windowsill is very shaded, and has a screen I cant remove. Also I live in ohio, zone 5-6 depending on what map you look at, so I know outside during the winter is out.

Any help or recommendations would be appreciated!
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By coffeenflowers
Posts:  119
Joined:  Fri Aug 05, 2016 6:06 am
Ventricosa will be very happy on your windowsill. South facing light should be very strong though, right? Especially in the summer, it might get very hot. If you notice burning (very red/yellow-tinged leaves), you may want to consider moving it to a different window so it doesn't burn. As long as the new leaves that grow in are bigger than the ones that came before it, it's doing great.
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By Rammplins
Posts:  417
Joined:  Fri Apr 21, 2017 6:28 pm
Well I'm in an apartment, so south facing is my only option. I think south facing light is stronger, but it is in shade from 9 in the morning on. So I'm not really worried about burning, more worried about keeping it at the right temp. Especially with 90 degree days coming next week, but so far he is good, even still has 2 pitchers on it that didn't brown or die off after the shipping and repotting, and the next growth point looks good. So I guess I'm doing something right so far.

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