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By andynorth
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So this is more of an observation than anything. Pumpkin seeds were planted in 2 "Grow and Sow" containers (all I had left) and 4 of my round white containers. Seeds were planted at the same depth, about an inch, on the same day. I planted on Monday, 4-15-24 and today when I opened my grow tent this is what they look like. There is really no logical reason for this. Can anyone with maybe a botanical background explain? I always thought the "Grow and Sow" planters were the best option but apparently not. Maybe because the walls are thinner on the white planters??? My wife is happy since she is pretty much the one that takes care of the normal garden. I told her to let me have her beans and peas and other seeds but she wants to sow those straight in to the ground.
20240420_104130.jpg (3.52 MiB) Viewed 765 times
Last edited by andynorth on Sat Apr 20, 2024 9:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Intheswamp
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wcrosman wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2024 7:14 pm Hard to tell without a picture. Lol
No picture? Why, it's right there. That is very strange growth, Andy. You might want to contact your local extension office and let them have a peek at it. I would chronicle the growth of these...document it well!!!!!! One of the better photos and subjects I've seen in a while!!!!!
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By DragonsEye
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I’m surprised the water hasn’t wicked up higher on the sides of the peat pots. Did you thoroughly wet the exterior the pots right after planting? Unless it’s super arid in your little mini greenhouse once primed to wick I would expect that peat would continue wick water up the sides higher than what it is.

Plants that are cool growers like peas can typically be winter sewn or sewn late the previous fall . Actually a lot of plants even more summery plants could be winter sewn if you wish or sewn super late in the fall and then you don’t have to worry about planting them up in the spring. Plants requiring a longer growing season, depending on where you are in the US, may be better off started indoors — like tomatoes. So for anyone down south as far as tomatoes go, you may as well just sow them in the ground.
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By andynorth
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DragonsEye wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2024 11:00 pm I’m surprised the water hasn’t wicked up higher on the sides of the peat pots. Did you thoroughly wet the exterior the pots right after planting?
Honestly, I had not even thought about that until today when I top watered them. They are finally soaked up the sides now and I had to put them inside the round planters. Not sure if I killed them or not.
Normally we do not plant much in the fall/winter due to so much rain and the fear of everything washing away. Peas, beans etc. do fine planting in late April or May. We actually plant peas a few days apart for about a month so we have plenty. Normally pick and eat. It's just the wife and I so we only grow as much as we can eat. My kids have their own gardens going.
We buy our tomatoes as plants that are about 6 inches high. I only grew them in the past along with peppers for my wife's awesome salsa. I would grow them and peppers in the ground inside my 10'x15' greenhouse before I had to tear that down. Here in the PNW we never knew when our summer would start and if tomatoes get too much water they get a fungal disease and or root rot.
Thanks for the tips though.
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By Intheswamp
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Usually, for peat pots (though I seldom use them), I soak them until they're saturated before using them.

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