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By RoutineDisco
Posts:  13
Joined:  Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:06 am
Hi all, I think one of my sarrs and pings have aphids. There were small white bugs on both, not big enough to be mealy bugs but they were moving around on the leaves. I’ve sprayed both with neem oil and have been using isopropyl alcohol on any bugs I see checking at least once a day.

The main issue with my sarracenia is that it doesn’t seem to be growing at all and a lot of the immature growth seems to be browning. Could this be from aphids? Even though I saw them initially, I have been treating for three days and have yet to see another moving bug (I wipe off anything I think could be an aphid even if it’s not completely clear to me). I was previously told that my light probably isn’t strong enough since it’s under a grow light, but I am planning to get it a second light until I move and can get it into direct sunlight.

The plant is in sphagnum and sits in distilled water constantly, I got it maybe a month or so ago.
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By RoutineDisco
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It’s not bugs, I checked again. The photos are all from under my grow light and the moss is wet. Some bits might be dried sphagnum as well.
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By optique
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optique wrote:I don't feed my outside plants but i have experimented with it. I have seen massive growth from betta pellets made into paste. From your photo i would be more concerned with light. It take real heavy duty lights to replicate the sun and with such tall plants its even more of a challenge.

Do away with the water trey LFSM is like a sponge, I use treys but in peat / perlite. I don't think your grow light is for full sun plants, health will just go down hill until it dies.
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By optique
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I think sarr's can handle media that wet, but even if it can it will just rot the media. Always let LFSM drain the plant will be happier and media will last years.
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By MikeB
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RoutineDisco wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 9:37 pm The main issue with my sarracenia is that it doesn’t seem to be growing at all and a lot of the immature growth seems to be browning. Could this be from aphids?
It's probably a side effect of the neem oil spray. New growth is particularly sensitive to it. Rinse off the crown and then wait a couple weeks to see if the plant perks up.
By RoutineDisco
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But the plant has barely grown all month since the pitchers have started browning…after the treatment is done I’ll do a thorough flush. Do you think a second grow light is still worth it to get it through the next month or so? And is the stunted growth potentially from the pests or is light the more likely culprit? (Will more light promote more growth?)
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By MikeB
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I don't think that lack of light is the problem. I see some new pitchers, but they don't look normal, and not from aphid damage. The plant appears to be suffering from phytotoxicity (injury caused by chemicals). I would hold the pot sideways, one finger on each side of the plant so it doesn't tip out, and pour some low-mineral water over the leaves, particularly the crown. Washing the chemicals off (and not letting them go in to the soil) should help the plant to recover.
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By steve booth
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Agreed, new growth doesn't go brown and die like that from aphids, they cause malformed growth and leave spots on the leaves where they have sucked the sap. It looks to be chemically induced, try optiques suggestion.

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By optique
Posts:  1996
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Its light starved, filled with fish pellets, probably never seen dormancy, sprayed with pesticides and its roots are anaerobic. Also it may or many not have some type of pest. Not looking good. =(

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