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By Nikson
Posts:  430
Joined:  Tue Jun 22, 2021 12:47 am
Hey all,

I took some leaf cuttings of my brand new drosera filiformis that I got at the end of summer and put them in some distilled water, and they grew a bunch of plantlets.

I was getting ready to move them into a little sealed container and I noticed that a few of the plantlets turned black? Is that normal, that some of them just kinda die off during the process?

You can see some of the black nubs on the top leaf:

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By Intheswamp
Posts:  3497
Joined:  Wed May 04, 2022 2:28 pm
I don't know what to tell you about the black nubs, something wasn't just right with their growing conditions. I took some cuttings a while back of a split-tipped dreamsicle and they did pretty good. Some tracyi seem cuttings taken later (slightly cooler temperatures) don't seem to be doing as well. I did not take all the strikes of the dreamsicle and some are still in the water...I need to put them in grow mix *very* soon along with the tracyi...I think it will help them both. As for the strikes of the dreamsicle, I simply cut clusters and singles leaving a short piece of stem attached (probably 1/4" each side of the strike) and pressed them gently down into the 50/50 peat/perlite mix. I misted them good and covered them with the bottom of a clear TacoBell/McDonalds/etc cup with a few holes punched in it...they sit in about 3/4" of water. I've since removed the cups from over them. I would say the strikes at the bottom of your photo are ready (according to my one-off experience ;) ). Here's a photo of one of the dreamsicle plantlets that I took last's maybe an inch tall now.
Oct 16/17 2023
Oct 16/17 2023
IMG_0588.JPG (297.87 KiB) Viewed 656 times
Oct 27 2023
Oct 27 2023
IMG_0789pproots (Custom).jpg (435.34 KiB) Viewed 656 times
Strikes were planted two days after this photo.
Strikes were planted two days after this photo.
IMG_3498a (Custom).JPG (368.91 KiB) Viewed 656 times
Dec 04 2023
Dec 04 2023
IMG_3782a (Custom).JPG (323.76 KiB) Viewed 656 times
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By Nikson
Posts:  430
Joined:  Tue Jun 22, 2021 12:47 am
Those look great, haha. I guess sometimes they grow, sometimes they die, just how plants are.

I plucked them out of the water last night and put them in a takeout container with some LFSM, wrapped them a bit so they're in contact with the moss. Hope they grow!
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