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By sanguinearocks101
Posts:  1665
Joined:  Mon Jan 06, 2020 1:56 am
Hi, I have some U. Bisquimata seeds and cant find much specifics on the species, except that its pretty easy to care for. I’m planning to do a 2:1 ratio of peat:sand or lfsm, sitting in water, next to a sunny window. Any tips? What would be better the peat/sand or lfsm?
By hungry carnivores
Oh my god! Never spend your precious sphag on such a terrestrial. I just use peat:perlite 2:1 for all of these (I have arenaria, bisquamata, subulata, blanchetti, and sandersonii). Keep it very wet. Sow the seeds, and don't even bag them. It's better to ask for established divs, which ppl will normally send at the cost of shipping because it is SO weedy.

Anyways, there's two ground rules. Short, wide pots, and a wet, wet mix.
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