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Discuss Sarracenia, Heliamphora, Darlingtonia, Cephalotus plant care here

Moderator: Matt

By hungry carnivores
Hi, I've got a terrarium going to help educate Grade School students about CP's. I've tossed many of my own plants (pings, ceph, orchid, tillandsia, sundew) into it, and I had an instagram follower graciously donate a N. Ventrata to the tank.

We were looking for a really easy, and cheap heliamphora (although preferably mature).
Think Het x Minor, Nutans, Hets. Cheaper plants.

I can supply a tax id on request (for the privacy of the museum's taxes) so you can count it as a donation. However, this is out of budget so we can't really pay.

Any help would be graciously appreciated.
Shadowtski, schmeg liked this

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Hi from FNQ.

Welcome dude!!

hmm, should i flush them then let them dry?

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Drosera seeds in water?

Ok. Thank you very much, everyone!

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