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By Oblivion
Posts:  1251
Joined:  Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:32 pm
The Savage Garden is a really good book on CP's, its apparently one of the best but hard to find.
written by Peter D'Amato of california carnivores.

my wife found it on which is a UK site with free shipping on all orders world wide.
We've had many books from there and each seems to come shipped individually even when you place one order for a pile of books (not sure why but dont care if its free freight and they arrive)

so i get my copy of The Savage Garden today and its just like every other book we've had from there. in mint condition and complete.

so if your looking for a copy why not hit up TBD for a copy. i can now return the copy i borrowed from the ACPS member library :ugeek:
Last edited by Oblivion on Fri Oct 22, 2010 12:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
Oblivion liked this
By Hayden
Hi Bliv :)

Ive been recommended the book, so read the trial on google. It does look very interesting and could certainly help along the way!

It is actually quite a good deal, ill look into buying one.

Thanks :D
By Oblivion
Posts:  1251
Joined:  Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:32 pm
harris, click the link and in the top corner change the currency.

for me it was 25 aussie (about 22usd) shipped free
By Oblivion
Posts:  1251
Joined:  Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:32 pm
The Complete growers guide to Carnivorous Plants, author Barry A. Rice
my mum seen it and got it for me as a gift while on a weekend away in melbourne.
another fantastic book, and being a large hardback it would make a great book for your coffee table too :)

mine has a different cover (ive got a cobra on the front) but the title and author are the same.
100_2829.jpg (69.09 KiB) Viewed 11007 times
By dantt99
Posts:  5045
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Oblivion wrote:my mum seen it and got it for me as a gift while on a weekend away in melbourne.
another fantastic book, and being a large hardback it would make a great book for your coffee table too :)

mine has a different cover (ive got a cobra on the front) but the title and author are the same.
It looks good, but 50 bucks is ALOT for a book
By Oblivion
Posts:  1251
Joined:  Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:32 pm
for sure, but the photography is simply stunning.

its got your usual huge wealth of info, but a lot of colour photo's, full page photo here n there..

the added cost is due to the size and quality of the images within. (imo)
By dantt99
Posts:  5045
Joined:  Sun Oct 17, 2010 4:48 am
Oblivion wrote:for sure, but the photography is simply stunning.

its got your usual huge wealth of info, but a lot of colour photo's, full page photo here n there..

the added cost is due to the size and quality of the images within. (imo)
Okay thank you for the info!
By Oblivion
Posts:  1251
Joined:  Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:32 pm
if not get it from bookdepository in the first link.
free freight, about 25 aussie for the book.
cant go wrong !

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