FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Have excess seed? Share it with other members here.

Moderator: Matt

By Ras
Posts:  805
Joined:  Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:57 am
The amount of seeds per pack that is listed is the minimum possible amount to be safe. Number in parenthesis is the amount of plants or packets of seed available. All plants are at flowering maturity unless labeled older. Plants shipped bare root
D Burmannii Green , red tentacles Han river, kimberly AUS 15+ seeds --(1)
D Nidiformis 20+ seeds --(2)
D Burmannii 'Giant Red Form' Han river, kimberly AUS 15+seeds --(1)
D Intermedia Tropical 'Mount Roraima' 20+ seeds (3)
D Ultramafica x Spatulata 30+seeds --(4)

Free shipping , USA only and paypal only please.
and here is a couple parent pictures for good measure
Giant red burmannii / Green Burmannii
D Tokaiensis
Last edited by Ras on Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:46 am, edited 5 times in total.
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