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By SFLguy
Posts:  1726
Joined:  Wed Apr 16, 2014 7:29 am
(CC) : California Carnivores
(FTS) : Fly Trap Store
(MW) : Mike Wang
(NE) : Native Exotics
(CedC) : Cedric's Carnivores
("Name" - TF): Grower from Terraforums
("Name" - FTC): Grower from FlyTrapCare
("Name" - SF): Grower from The Sarracenia Forum
(HD) - Home Depot


-G-14 "Rosetted" (CC)
-Typicals (HD)


-D. Capensis " Narrow Leaf" (CC)
-D. Capensis "Giant" (mass - TF)
-D. Capensis "Bains Kloof" (mass - TF)
-D. Capensis "Bains Rocket" (mass - TF)
-D. Binata "T-Form" (CC)
-D. Intermedia (CC)
-D. Capillaris


-P. Grandiflora (CC)
-P. Esseriana (mattb)
-P. Gigantea (mattb)


-S. Leucophylla Hurricane Creek White Clone A (MW)
-S. Leucophylla (CC)
-S. Leucophylla Baldwin Co, Alabama (MW)
-S. Catesbaei 'Sunrise' x Flava var. Rugelii (Nevermore)
-S. Rosea x OP (Nevermore)
-S. Daina's Delight x Rosea (Nevermore)
-S. Purpurea x OP (Dozer1080)
-SA10 S. alata -- black tube,Desoto (CedC)
-SFO22 S. flava var. ornata -- Apalachicola National Forest, FL (CedC)
-SX19 S. x exornata 'Peaches' (CedC)
-SX95 S. x excellens (CedC)
-SX102 S.x areolata giant (CedC)
-SX164 S. x green monster (CedC)


-N. Ventricosa "Black Peristome" (Cthulhu138 - TF)
-N. Truncata SG (NE)


-S. Sean Kilady
-S. Deep Throat
-S. Minor var. Okefenokeensis
-S. Flava var. Rubricorpora
-S. Adrian Slack
-S. Leah Wilkerson
-S. Snake Bite
-D. Stolonifera
-D. Filiformis "Florida Giant"
-D. Regia
-N. Ampullaria "Borneo Sunset"
-N. Ampullaria "Cantley's Red"
-VFT Creeping Death
-VFT Spider
-VFT King Henry
-VFT FTS Towering Giant

And anything I don't have yet :)
Last edited by SFLguy on Thu Aug 13, 2015 4:56 am, edited 15 times in total.

Has anyone heard about this population of giant tr[…]

Received. Thanks!

They arrived! thank you! :D

Just saw this[…]

Thanks. Yeah I’ve been trying to find a loca[…]

Thanks guys I’ll cut it. I haven’t got[…]

RO Buddy Reviews

Yes, you can use it for other plants that aren't s[…]

I don't do FB but I believe I may have seen this. […]

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