FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Discussions about anything related to Venus Flytraps, cultivars and named clones

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By StephenB200+
Posts:  297
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This plant is getting into 2024’s growing season with a bang. It’s growing multiple flower scapes for each plant. Hopefully each one is indicating a division.
IMG_8193.jpeg (1.62 MiB) Viewed 529 times
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By sans
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By ChefDean
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Very cool. Mine is starting to wake up. It didn't do great last year, but it was still settling in. I'm optimistic it'll do well as VFT's seem to like Tennessee.
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By optique
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this is one of my faster dividing plants
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By StephenB200+
Posts:  297
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ChefDean wrote: Sun Mar 10, 2024 9:07 pm Very cool. Mine is starting to wake up. It didn't do great last year, but it was still settling in. I'm optimistic it'll do well as VFT's seem to like Tennessee.
It still gets below freezing at night. I put them outside as much as possible during the day. It agrees with them.
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By StephenB200+
Posts:  297
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optique wrote: Sun Mar 10, 2024 9:29 pm this is one of my faster dividing plants
Must be in the genes!

Has anyone heard about this population of giant tr[…]

Received. Thanks!

They arrived! thank you! :D

Just saw this[…]

Thanks. Yeah I’ve been trying to find a loca[…]

Thanks guys I’ll cut it. I haven’t got[…]

RO Buddy Reviews

Yes, you can use it for other plants that aren't s[…]

I don't do FB but I believe I may have seen this. […]

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