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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

Moderator: Matt

By Fly Trap Hunter
Posts:  746
Joined:  Fri Jun 30, 2017 3:56 am
Congratulations! balloons streamers whistles confetti. Maybe cigars are in order?
Orit wrote:I am the proud owner of Maroon Monster babies!!! Thank you, everyone, especially xr280xr, for the very detailed guide - I owe my success to you! Spotted the cotyledons about a week ago and was concerned I wasn't getting carnivorous leaves. It wasn't until I got the good camera focused on it that I saw what appeared to be sphagnum moss was really the first the first true leaves. Surprised me they are red right off the bat. I am so thrilled! :D :D :D

Thank you again, Matt, for a "starter" plant that produced two flower stalks a month after I got it!
I'm going to have to cut a few stalks off some baby traps so I will try this. I'm gonna just stick them in with my seeds and keep them in the same grow chamber.
By somerandomband
Posts:  134
Joined:  Sun Oct 22, 2017 3:00 pm
3 of my 4 fly traps just sent up flower stalks and I cut one off about 3 inches and 2 off at about 2 inches. I planted them together in a tiny pot with pure peat moss and sand mixture but I also used cutting/cloning gel on them. Was that a mistake?
I could replant them into pure live spaghnum if that's better but I figured they've been through enough trama. What do you guys think?
By Trollzy1234
Posts:  11
Joined:  Fri Apr 27, 2018 4:41 am
Hi everyone!

I just recently got my first Venus flytrap and am a total noob with cultivation. The last plant in stock was the one shown in the pictures on the day of purchase below and I had no idea about the whole flower stalk before I bought it.

Since the flower has already bloomed should I try sexually propagating it for a chance to get some seeds? I heard this was a bad idea if you're an inexperienced cultivator and since the plant had already expended this much energy to get the flower to bloom, I figured I'd want to make the most of it. The big question is, should I cut the flower stock close to the base or try for seeds?

I also tried feeding the traps an ant or two that were barely alive shortly after the plant was purchased. Nothing happened and the traps did not close. Is this because the trap is using all of it's energy to support the flower? If so, what's my next step?

Thanks in advance!
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By Nightbreed
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The traps might not be closing because the plant is probably just tired like you said, or people played with the traps too much. You really don't have to feed the plant. Give it lots of light after acclimating it and it will be happy. If outside it will catch more than enough bugs when it's ready
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By Trollzy1234
Posts:  11
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Thanks for the advice!

I was also concerned with repotting the plant. What is shown in the pictures is the original container and medium that I bought the plant in. I also bought some sphagnum moss in case I wanted to repot. Should I consider repotting the VFT?
By tommyr
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Trollzy1234 wrote:Thanks for the advice!

I was also concerned with repotting the plant. What is shown in the pictures is the original container and medium that I bought the plant in. I also bought some sphagnum moss in case I wanted to repot. Should I consider repotting the VFT?
Leave it. Plenty of room for it to grow this year. No need for a re-pot.
By Rosekitten
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I know this is about flowering but is there anything special I have to do for it to seed? Or will that just happen like anything else in the yard. My traps are outside (I think in GA so it's amazing weather right now so long as I keep an eye on their water). I've been more than busy tending to chicks we just got in and fixing a coop that my poor plant babies have been left to their own. I noticed yesterday they had very long sprouts with least 6-8 buds on each branch off.. It's too far along now to cut and discard but the plants aren't new plants either so I'm not too worried as they are very healthy.

Just was curious as I'd love to get seeds and try my hands growing from seeds.
By tommyr
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Rosekitten wrote:I know this is about flowering but is there anything special I have to do for it to seed? Or will that just happen like anything else in the yard. My traps are outside (I think in GA so it's amazing weather right now so long as I keep an eye on their water). I've been more than busy tending to chicks we just got in and fixing a coop that my poor plant babies have been left to their own. I noticed yesterday they had very long sprouts with least 6-8 buds on each branch off.. It's too far along now to cut and discard but the plants aren't new plants either so I'm not too worried as they are very healthy.

Just was curious as I'd love to get seeds and try my hands growing from seeds.
Nothing special you have to do. Let nature do it's thing!
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By Cross
Posts:  1871
Joined:  Fri Oct 26, 2018 11:25 pm
Hi, new to vfts. When do they typically start growing a flower stalk? I have a few typicals from Lowe's, and a jaws from FTC. Thanks. I also just noticed that trap is turning green. Can I clip it and plant it?Image

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