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By Kye McLachlan
Posts:  6
Joined:  Tue Dec 05, 2023 12:58 pm
Hi All, I recently bought an Alien clone in South African and was so stoked to get my hands on one here! The plant seems a little unhappy and what I assume is carpet moss is dense and tightly packed on the surface of the pot (picture attached). I also did a flush through of some 0 PPM RO water (tested with my meter) and tested the water once it ran through the pot (which it really struggled to drain through with the thick layer of moss) and the water that came out was 250 PPM +... Its early summer here in South Africa and I believe its not the most optimal time to repot, but considering the high mineral content flushing from the soil and the thick moss, I did an emergency repot, and I'm nervous as to whether I did the right thing or if I should have waited until early spring next year? I would appreciate some advice :D
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By Intheswamp
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I would think that early summer would be good for repotting. Is the photo of it before you repotted it?
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By Kye McLachlan
Posts:  6
Joined:  Tue Dec 05, 2023 12:58 pm
Thanks, makes me feel a little better :P Yes, thats before. Ive attached the after now... I've also planted It into a deeper pot to encourage root development.
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By Panman
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You should be fine with the timing of the repotting, but you don't want to plant it too deeply. The rhizome will struggle to put up new leaves. You want the base of the rhizome just below the surface of the soil. If you are worried about it drying out, you can top it with some loose sphagnum moss.
By Kye McLachlan
Posts:  6
Joined:  Tue Dec 05, 2023 12:58 pm
Thank you! I think I got the depth right. I know its not easy to tell from the above photo... this one might help.
By Kye McLachlan
Posts:  6
Joined:  Tue Dec 05, 2023 12:58 pm
Sorry, here is the better photo showing the planting depth.
Planting depth.
Planting depth.
IMG_2656.jpeg (2.31 MiB) Viewed 807 times

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