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By ChefDean
Posts:  9813
Joined:  Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
Lucky number 13!
Quick giveaway from the seed bank, drawn in about 24 hours. I think I've covered my bases to make you think about it.
I just did an inventory on the seeds and found a few that I had mis-filed, failed to list, or the count was off. The inventory should accurately reflect what we have right now. But, where did it go?
While we have a bunch of seed, a metric crap ton, we don't have seeds from every letter of the alphabet going off the species name (alpina, capensis, flava, muscipula, etc.) or accepted name of the cross/hybrid. If you can tell me how many and which letters we do not have anything filed under, you win. (Hint: Z is one) I'm looking for a number and letters in your answer. For example: 3 - A, M, Z or 4 - C, F, L, Z.
One entry per person, so think before you guess. You must get all of them to win.
Multiple people can win, the giveaway will be active until I close it. Winner(s) will receive their choice of a pack of seeds from the seed bank. Any pack, Tier eligibility does not apply.
Open to all members, I will cover postage to US and international addresses.
I won't reply to any questions in the thread (PM me if you have a question, but no questions to rule things out. No "Is this in there?" or "Is this filed here?"), any extraneous chatter will result in disqualification, I reserve the right to end it early if too many people start to get it right.
This is a giveaway and does not count as a request.
Aaaaand go!
Edit: In the event that no one answers correctly, the closest one(s) will be the winner(s). For every right letter, you get a point. For every wrong letter, you lose a point.
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By wcrosman
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3- Q, Y, Z
Last edited by wcrosman on Wed Jan 17, 2024 9:27 pm, edited 4 times in total.
By Andrew072
Posts:  91
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11 - D, E, G, K, Q, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
(ignore the U if hybrids don't count)
Last edited by Andrew072 on Wed Jan 17, 2024 6:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By ChefDean
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Hmmmm, some good guesses, one is very good. We'll go another couple of hours before closing it so I can get the inventory back up.

I hope I remember it all...
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By ChefDean
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The correct answer was 6 - K, Q, W, X, Y, and Z. Those are the letters that we do not have any seeds for. We had D. x watari at one time, but (I think) nothing for the others ever (I could be wrong).
That means 8spidersayear is our winner! Shoot me your address and your choice of a pack of seeds, and I'll get it sent off as soon as possible.
I questioned how the newest member was able to get that, and he admitted to being a lurker for a while, specifically scoping out the seed bank after not being impressed with another, well known seed bank. Through a little bit of memory, and a lot of deduction, critical thinking, and research, he came up with the correct answer.
For the others...
wcrosman had half of them - 3 points
andynorth had closer to the right number, but three incorrect letters with Dreamsicle, hartmeyerorum, and latifolia - 1 correct - 3 incorrect = - 2 points
Dragonseye was closer still with four correct - 4 points
thepitchergrower also had four correct, but he guessed there were five. His fifth was incorrect due to liniflora, latifolia, lusitanicum, leucophylla to name a few - 4 correct - 1 incorrect = 3 points
I think Andrew072 was spitballing. He had all six, but added five more that were incorrect with Dreamsicle, exornata, gulfensis, umlauftina, and villosa as examples - 6 correct - 5 incorrect = 1 point
8spidersayear had all six - 6 points
sanz was shooting from the hip as well, he got five right and five wrong. Examples being hartmeyerorum, jonesii, purpurea, trinervia, and umlauftina - 5 correct - 5 incorrect = 0 points
I would have gone longer, given more people the opportunity, but I didn't want the seed bank down for too long.
Thanks for playing, tip your waitress.
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By ChefDean
Posts:  9813
Joined:  Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
Andrew072 wrote:Oh! I thought you meant seeds that are currently in the seed bank :( x "Dreamsicle" is a cultivar btw
Yup, it is. And if you'd read the rules you'd have seen...
ChefDean wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 7:33 pm...going off the species name (alpina, capensis, flava, muscipula, etc.) or accepted name of the cross/hybrid. If you can tell me how many and which letters we do not have anything filed under,...
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