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By evenwind
Posts:  2229
Joined:  Sun Jul 07, 2013 4:16 pm
This is flowering season for Euphorbia francoisii. They're fairly variable and I've got one with red leaves and green "flowers"... (Okay, they're not true flowers, but close. More technically, they're actually a pair of bracts with a center group of cyathia. But they serve the same reproductive purpose.)

Anyhow, I thought I'd share.
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By evenwind
Posts:  2229
Joined:  Sun Jul 07, 2013 4:16 pm
Hungry Plants wrote:Very cool plant. Reminds me of a desert rose. How does it propagate?
Besides typical sexual propagation, they can be propagated both by stem and leaf cuttings. But I've never tried any of it, so for me it's all heresay. Anyhow, a link, if you want to know a bit more: ... gation.htm
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Received. Thanks!

They arrived! thank you! :D

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