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Discuss carnivorous plant books here

Moderator: Matt

By cadorn
Posts:  108
Joined:  Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:58 pm
Hi! What are the top five care books for Carnivorous Plants that you would recommend? If out of print, I will try to find a used version. I would like to start a collection! The one book offered by the Flytrap Store looks great, but I can't afford it right now. Checking Barnes and Noble and Amazon, there seem to be MANY books available. Which are the best?
By parker679
Posts:  1642
Joined:  Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:34 pm
I don't have any since I found so much info online, but these are the big ones in the hobby...

The Savage Garden by Peter D'Amato - A new edition is coming out in July so I would wait.

Growing Carnivorous Plants by Barry Rice

Any of Stewart McPherson's books that may interest you.

Carnivorous Plants by Adrian Slack

Not 5 but should get you started.
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