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By Aging_Bourbon
Posts:  2799
Joined:  Wed Dec 31, 2008 10:14 pm
how many of you care about me? would you be sad if i left? would you miss me? i really need some support right about now.. Zoe filed for Divorce.. i really need someone

By italo.americano
Posts:  740
Joined:  Tue May 06, 2008 4:31 am
Hi Allen,

Of course we all care about you and I for one would be very sad if you left. Please stay!

Unfortunately divorce is part of our society and I'm so sorry that you are going through it.
Make sure to keep yourself in a positive frame of mind and don't do anything rash or self medicate with alcohol or drugs.
Read a good book, get plenty of rest, take long walks, develop a new hobby, eat healthy and nutritious foods, and surround yourself with positive people. Put effort into living a lifestyle that will promote feelings of good and self-worth.
Also, please avail yourself of professional counseling. I'm sure the Navajo nation must have some very good programs and counselors to help you get over this temporary stumbling block in your life.

God bless you my friend!

By lemonlily
Posts:  3168
Joined:  Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:54 pm
Thats what I asked waaay back in I think November? But I have the same question...
By italo.americano
Posts:  740
Joined:  Tue May 06, 2008 4:31 am

Of course we would all miss you too!

You were one of our early members and always go out of your way to answer questions and you are very polite. Some members, who are much older than you, post everyday but are not as nice and polite as you.
After Matt you have the most posts on here.

I hope both you and Allen remain as part of the flytrapcare family!

By hackerberry
Posts:  1704
Joined:  Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:58 pm
Allen, sadly it is a part of life. Dont do anything foolish. Its not the end of the world for you and life must go on. Today is just another day, we dont know what tomorrow will bring. The folks here in the forum care for you. There is a lot more to explore and people to meet. Trust me on this my my friend.

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By Matt
Posts:  22524
Joined:  Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:28 pm
So sorry to hear about the divorce Allen. I think hackerberry gave good advice. You never know what tomorrow brings. Some of the best things in my life have come after a really big unhappy event. Hang in there and I promise you that there will be better days to come.
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By Carl
Posts:  693
Joined:  Wed May 07, 2008 3:28 pm
Hi Allen,

We would all miss you if you left; you are a very important part of this community and contribute a load to the forum.

I think it is save to say that everyone on the forum have there thoughts with you and only wish we could be with you in person to help you though this tough time.

By Adam
Posts:  2892
Joined:  Sat Dec 13, 2008 4:39 am
Of course! You are a very valued member here and we all sort of get to know one another like friends do. I usually don't have enough time in the day to stay in the chat room... but that does not mean that there is no connection.

I went through one as well. I would recommend building a routine. One that will help you and focus your efforts so you're not left alone in your thoughts too long in the day. Don't make it too busy though, as you don't need to be disappointed by falling behind or not adhering to it. If you end up doing this, let us know what worked for you. You never know, someone else may be reading that one day and your experience will help them through it.

Hope all the best to you. This is the worst part, it only gets better from here if you allow time to heal.
By Redneck_Angel
Posts:  363
Joined:  Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:50 pm

You were one of the first members on here to answer my questions. You were one of the first to welcome me onto these boards.

You are definitely a valued member of this board, you help make newbies like me feel comfortable enough to ask all of our insane novice questions :lol:

I'm truly sorry for the struggles you are facing. While we've only just *met*, know that I think kindly of you and wish you only the best.
By savagegardener
Posts:  119
Joined:  Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:56 pm

Please dont leave. Im sorry to hear about your divorce, but if you left our lil family I would be seriously disappointed, and would miss you most terribly.


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