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By jht-union
Posts:  3205
Joined:  Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:43 pm
Hello IXXIAN, i like your VFT's a lot, specially the typical and the dentate because they're really BIG!!!, and yeah that's a Big mouth from CooksCarnivorous plants is the only one that is small!=D

Good luck!
By Doomsday
Posts:  621
Joined:  Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:11 pm
I've personally never ever seen an adelae that has such a tall stem ESP between leaves. Its really cool looking. Also, I'm no expert on sunburn, but I know that sundew man on here has a red adelae that is extremely healthy, and grown under artificial lights.
By afh928
Posts:  981
Joined:  Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:13 am
That "unknown" Sarr. looks like a S. Rubra to my eyes. :mrgreen:
By snapperhead51
Posts:  2183
Joined:  Mon May 03, 2010 11:46 am
Your D.capensis is looking very drab , looks like Alba ? pic not so clear !may be a closer pic will help if you feel inclined too ,, looking like it may need better conditions ,either more sun or its had too much ?? but dough if its too much sun as mine thrive in 40c temps all summer and are red as red can be !! what strata or potting mix do you have that in may be a starting point too ??
You Sarracenia tall is S.rubra" jonesii " for sure ,have one here if you want to compare (a adult plant.)
your smaller non tall Sarracenia is S.purpurea ssp. venosa or ssp. purpuera when its a little bigger its true from will show.
D.adelae is a native to Australia and lives in Queensland Australia in tropical rain forests were its not really suited because of the rain fall washing off the dew all the time , but never the less this is where it is ,so its hight humidity round 60 to 80 % most of the year round , in rain forest shade , and loves to grow in live sphagnum moss , it will benefit from some sun but usually not full sun as you now know , would suggest 50% shade cloth minimum in summer probably higher shade and in winter as much sun as it can get and keep the temp up to at least 20 c ,as being tropical there is no winters only a slight change in temperate ,summer 35 c plus winter 20 to 25 c some times a bit lower , living here in Australia we have a very divers range of temperatures , but being a tropical plant you need to grow to there conditions or its more dead plants.
here is a picture of mine in mid winter its not happy because it winter and the temp is a bit low ,but doing ok in my green house hope this helps
D.adelae  in 70% winter sun
D.adelae in 70% winter sun
P1090138.JPG (77.85 KiB) Viewed 5118 times
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Posts:  137
Joined:  Tue May 18, 2010 6:57 pm
it's a typical Capensis, all the ends were cut off by the pot during shipping, I have only had it for about a week. The Adelae was my girlfriend's that I tried to save (deathcube rescue). It's ironic that sundews are supposed to be easiest to grow and I have more trouble with them than VFTs or Sarracenia. I think the Capensis will be fine once it has new growth but the jury is still out on that poor Adelae. I have it sitting on my window sill getting indirect sun now.
How cold is too cold

Thanks! They will stay outside from now on.

Hello from New England

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Oddly shaped Sarr

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Nepenthes cold shock?

Thanks, y’all!

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