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Photos of carnivorous plants other than the Venus Flytrap

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By optique
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I can only speak for "hiroshima" it has been outside for 55-100+F and in the house in a west facing window and has done great.
Last edited by optique on Thu Sep 29, 2022 8:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Sundews69
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Ok, I think I'll give it a go. Thanks!
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By optique
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this years weather is just weird, nights in mid June in the 50f's?

but still growing
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By optique
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still growing, inside pitcher still looks OK hoping for better after i move it outside tomorrow.
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By optique
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Camden wrote:Shoo’, that got big fast didn’t it?
i hope it ends up like the big one PP has.

gave it a hanging pot.

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