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By Panman
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The guy who lived across from me has an electric fence around his garden but the deer kept jumping it. One year, before he planted it, he put peanut butter on the insulators. He had no deer or raccoon problems after that and it became his yearly routine.
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By Intheswamp
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Panman wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2024 2:36 pm The guy who lived across from me has an electric fence around his garden but the deer kept jumping it. One year, before he planted it, he put peanut butter on the insulators. He had no deer or raccoon problems after that and it became his yearly routine.
Yep. Been there, done that. Fixed fence the next day and never had an issue afterwards!!! Every now and then I get a glimpse of a deer at the edge of the yard that I swear looks like he had a "grill" installed on his teeth!!! :lol:

I'm thinking enough time has elapsed and the deer have become accustomed to the garden area that maybe I should treat them to some more "Jiffy". :mrgreen:
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By andynorth
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Panman wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2024 2:36 pm The guy who lived across from me has an electric fence around his garden but the deer kept jumping it. One year, before he planted it, he put peanut butter on the insulators. He had no deer or raccoon problems after that and it became his yearly routine.
So since they like peanut butter I assume they get a good jolt from it but why would that prevent them from jumping the fence?
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By Intheswamp
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Would you want to mess with something that makes you see the brightest stars that you've ever seen, sparks dance from tooth to tooth, the smell of "tongue o' venison" roasting on the fire (deer understand that one), and that made you pooh all over yourself..and possibly your friends, too? :mrgreen:

And, if you're one of the "friends" with poop dripping off of you I would think that you won't want to mess with it, either!!! :lol:
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By Intheswamp
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As for the jumping's a case of "Can I make it and NOT have the [issues noted above]". ;)
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By MikeB
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Have you tried a two-tier fence setup? An outer and an inner fence, with a 5-foot gap between them. It's difficult to clear both fences in one jump, and deer don't like landing between two fences because it makes them feel trapped.
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By Panman
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andynorth wrote:So since they like peanut butter I assume they get a good jolt from it but why would that prevent them from jumping the fence?
Intheswamp wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2024 6:04 pm Would you want to mess with something that makes you see the brightest stars that you've ever seen, sparks dance from tooth to tooth, the smell of "tongue o' venison" roasting on the fire (deer understand that one), and that made you pooh all over yourself..and possibly your friends, too? :mrgreen:

And, if you're one of the "friends" with poop dripping off of you I would think that you won't want to mess with it, either!!! :lol:
What he said
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By andynorth
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Intheswamp wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2024 6:04 pm Would you want to mess with something that makes you see the brightest stars that you've ever seen, sparks dance from tooth to tooth, the smell of "tongue o' venison" roasting on the fire (deer understand that one), and that made you pooh all over yourself..and possibly your friends, too? :mrgreen:

And, if you're one of the "friends" with poop dripping off of you I would think that you won't want to mess with it, either!!! :lol:
OK, makes sense. I don't have any around my neighborhood. I know more than once while at various job sites I have seen them. One that comes to mind was just south of Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma. There are several that wander outside the fences. I recall seeing a buck that was roughly 3 or 4 point, along with a couple doe's walking right down the street like they owned the place. I will have to see if I can dig up the pic.
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By Intheswamp
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MikeB wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2024 10:03 pm Have you tried a two-tier fence setup? An outer and an inner fence, with a 5-foot gap between them. It's difficult to clear both fences in one jump, and deer don't like landing between two fences because it makes them feel trapped.
Wow, wow, wow...I had just written a rather lengthy reply and suddenly...the message posting box went blank!!! :o It's history now!!!! :(

So here is the Readers Digest Condensed version...

The double fence works well. My issue is being able to mow the area, as this is part of the yard. The space between the fences would be problematical. A Georgia(?) cattlemen's association had a meeting in (I think) Gulf Shores several years ago and they showed a video of a before and after of the double the "after" video the 30 or so deer were standing on the outside of the fence thoroughly confused as to why they couldn't get into their buffet anymore.

Lots and lots and lots of other stuff that the glitch saved ya'll from! :roll:

Being as a lone deer, bless its little heart, made it through the I've left some rewards for any deer that happen to come by on this rainy night. :mrgreen: Btw, this photo was after we'd already gotten 1" of rain...we've gotten that much again since the photo was taken. I expect the garden to be flat tomorrow...good thing "OCD-Me" measured the rows out. ;) :lol:
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By Intheswamp
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andynorth wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2024 10:32 pm
Intheswamp wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2024 6:04 pm Would you want to mess with something that makes you see the brightest stars that you've ever seen, sparks dance from tooth to tooth, the smell of "tongue o' venison" roasting on the fire (deer understand that one), and that made you pooh all over yourself..and possibly your friends, too? :mrgreen:

And, if you're one of the "friends" with poop dripping off of you I would think that you won't want to mess with it, either!!! :lol:
OK, makes sense. I don't have any around my neighborhood. I know more than once while at various job sites I have seen them. One that comes to mind was just south of Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma. There are several that wander outside the fences. I recall seeing a buck that was roughly 3 or 4 point, along with a couple doe's walking right down the street like they owned the place. I will have to see if I can dig up the pic.
We have lots of deer. Lots. A few years ago my wife hit a deer and damaged her car. After she got an estimate for the repair and it was submitted for repair...she hit another one. :x She had to get another estimate. That meant TWO deductibles!!! Thankfully our local body guy is a good guy and friend and we just repaired the second deer strike without the insurance getting involved. About a month ago not even 1/8 mile down the road from a deer caused a couple to roll their vehicle. They were fortunate in that they weren't injured other than airbag burns. Our daughter and granddaughters live roughly 35 miles from us...coming back from their house at night we drive through prime deer country and have seen over a dozen deer at times grazing or standing beside the road in different places...eyes *always* scan the right-of-ways. They're pretty. They taste good. But they can be a really big pain.

One "garbage morning" I woke up to find an 8-point laying beside the garbage can I'd rolled down to the highway the night before. I can just hear the guys on the garbage truck..."We'd better call this in...I'm not sure we're suppose to pickup dead deer that people set out for us.". :lol: The black stuff on the jeep hood is a lot of piece off the vehicle that hit it...lucky for them they could keep going. But, they were trying their best to keep from hitting deer...they even had "deer whistles" on their car to warn deer away (it's in the lower right corner of the black stuff photo). I wonder if that thing came with a guarantee??? :mrgreen:
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Oh, but that was a stately buck, here it is in my backyard before he kamikazed the vehicle...
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By evenwind
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As for the deer, have you guys considered going green and buying a wolf pack? You could probably get away with just a small grouping, maybe 5 or 6 animals. I'd try Ebay or Amazon or even Etsy. And, if you're willing to go even greener, a used pack would keep the price down. Just a thought.
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By MikeB
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evenwind wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 4:23 pm As for the deer, have you guys considered going green and buying a wolf pack? You could probably get away with just a small grouping, maybe 5 or 6 animals. I'd try Ebay or Amazon or even Etsy. And, if you're willing to go even greener, a used pack would keep the price down. Just a thought.
Or a cougar or two (the four-legged variety, that is...). :lol:
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By Intheswamp
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Somebody got suckered into the wolf pack deal on eBay...ended up with blasted coyotes and now they're everywhere!!!! :roll:
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By evenwind
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I've heard that painting fake tunnel entrances on the sides of buildings and cliffs will eventually eliminate them.

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