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By LazyDaisy
Posts:  41
Joined:  Thu Apr 04, 2024 2:57 am
Hi there! I've been lurking for a while to soak up the info here and thought I'd finally say hello! I caught the carnivorous plant bug when I saw some Rocket Farms deathtube vfts at the store. I was really drawn in by the big, vibrant traps and, after a bit of research online, thought I'd give it a go. After much trial and error (and a few repottings), I feel like this plant deserves a medal for all the strife I put it through. After my success with this plant, I decided to get more...

Right now, they're comfy indoors under a simple light, but since the outside temps are finally staying above freezing at night, I'm pretty excited about putting them outside. Here's how they're doing right now along with a shot of the OG plant I bought next to quarter to show why it caught my eye. :D (it is no longer in the ceramic pot so ignore that lol).
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By Intheswamp
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Welcome to the forum. Check out the seed bank. You should be able to get 2 or 3 types of seeds "monthly request", a "bonus", and an "add-on". Mostly will be sundews, but...yah gotta have sundews. ;)

ETA: Instructions on how to use the seed bank are at the bottom of the inventory listing. The "bonus" and "add-on" seeds are in the "April Bonus" post. ;)
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By LazyDaisy
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Thanks for the welcomes!

I'm not sure if I'm adventurous enough to try seeds yet. :shock: But maybe when all the plants are settled outside and I feel more confident in my care expertise, I'll give it a try!
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By wcrosman
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By Intheswamp
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LazyDaisy wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2024 10:24 pm Thanks for the welcomes!

I'm not sure if I'm adventurous enough to try seeds yet. :shock: But maybe when all the plants are settled outside and I feel more confident in my care expertise, I'll give it a try!
No, no, no, no, no... You don't understand. This is an addiction and you need SEEDS!!!!! People will look suspiciously at you if you don't grab some seeds...might even think your from the government or even worse...the library!!!! :shock: Seriously, though, flytraps take 2-3 years to get to any size. Same thing for pitcher plants. Sundews do grow faster, but still you're looking at a year's time in growing a nice size specimen. Time's ah wastin'!!!!!

For the cost of two envelopes and two stamps you can be the proud owner of a hundred or so itty-bitty, teen-weeny, micro-seeds!!! Oh, and remember the small seed packets over a white sheet of paper...carefully. The seeds are really, really small. Really.....small. I actually make up a "tray" from a piece of white paper with folded up and taped sides to open my packets over. Also, DON'T SNEEZE!!!!! Did I mention the seeds are really, really small? :mrgreen:

Even if you aren't prepared to plant them (you'll need some peat moss and perlite (or sand)) you could make a request and store them in your refrigerator until you're ready to plant. Don't miss out!!! ACT NOW!!!! FINANCING HAS NEVER BEEN CHEAPER!!!! FREE TOASTER WITH EVERY PURCHASE!!!!! Oh, wait a minute...wrong advertisement. :mrgreen:
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By LazyDaisy
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Intheswamp wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2024 10:59 pm No, no, no, no, no... You don't understand. This is an addiction and you need SEEDS!!!!! People will look suspiciously at you if you don't grab some seeds...might even think your from the government or even worse...the library!!!! :shock: Seriously, though, flytraps take 2-3 years to get to any size. Same thing for pitcher plants. Sundews do grow faster, but still you're looking at a year's time in growing a nice size specimen. Time's ah wastin'!!!!!

For the cost of two envelopes and two stamps you can be the proud owner of a hundred or so itty-bitty, teen-weeny, micro-seeds!!! Oh, and remember the small seed packets over a white sheet of paper...carefully. The seeds are really, really small. Really.....small. I actually make up a "tray" from a piece of white paper with folded up and taped sides to open my packets over. Also, DON'T SNEEZE!!!!! Did I mention the seeds are really, really small? :mrgreen:

Even if you aren't prepared to plant them (you'll need some peat moss and perlite (or sand)) you could make a request and store them in your refrigerator until you're ready to plant. Don't miss out!!! ACT NOW!!!! FINANCING HAS NEVER BEEN CHEAPER!!!! FREE TOASTER WITH EVERY PURCHASE!!!!! Oh, wait a minute...wrong advertisement. :mrgreen:
LMAO oh no! Not the library! :shock:

I don't mind my baby plants. :D I was kind of surprised my little Jaws threw out such a large leaf compared to the rest of it (what a show off!). But I'll definitely consider getting some seeds once I research some more.
By Dan J
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Welcome to the club! The exact same thing happened to me. I got suckered in with 2 rocket farms flytraps from Meijer.
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By Intheswamp
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At P.T. Barnum's statement holds true to this day!!!! :lol:
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By andynorth
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I grow my seeds in a couple 2x4 grow tents. Leaving the light on 22 hours a day seems to help them germinate and grow faster. They are kept separate from my more mature plants which are either outside or in my greenhouse. I have drosera on the top shelf along with a few flytraps that were too small yet to go outside. Once they grow up they too will go outside. Second shelf are my 2 Helis and my ceph along with any plants that needed to be bagged due to declining health. When I first started all of this last year I had no space. I however got creative and made the space I needed. I would love to be able to turn my entire former office in to a grow room but at the moment that is not possible. Who knows what the future holds but I foresee that room being very green before long. I put the greenhouse in because I did not like the thought of having to put my plants in dormancy and not have anything to look at.

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